Shadowlands MELEE DPS Tier List – Castle Nathria Raid before 9.1

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We’re getting closer to the release of 9.1 on the PTR, with it many changes will come to specs and classes, and therefore balance and Meta. So we take this opportunity to frame a Time Capsule of the state of Specializations in the Castle Nathria Raid right before any changes come in for 9.1 and take a look at how things are up to the 9.0.5 Patch of Shadowlands for Melee DPS in Raid encounters

0:00 The Bottom: Survival, Subtlety, Arms
3:55 Frost Death Knight
5:38 Enhancement Shaman
8:12 Windwalker Monk
11:01 Feral Druid
13:15 Havoc Demon Hunter
15:23 Retribution Paladin
17:53 Outlaw Rogue
20:14 Fury Warrior
23:48 Unholy Death Knight
27:22 Assassination Rogue

#Raid #Melee #DPS #Tierlist


26 thoughts on “Shadowlands MELEE DPS Tier List – Castle Nathria Raid before 9.1”

  1. I don't like blizzard's (and some content creator) idea to make a class more "special" by removing from the others (like demonology metamorphosis, aoe cap…). I hope they do a second wave of unpruning with actual fun and cool abilities.

  2. Ww monk is one of the best if not the best melee spec in the gsme for both raid and m+. I dont understand why u have ranked it below a paladin. Logs throughout the tier have showed this, even after bug fixes they are one of (if not) the best melee.

  3. I Think u didnt consider the strong and weak points of some specs as well as their nieche uses at specific bosses. Arms for example shines in every execute window which is no doubt the hardest part of an encounter, making it significantly more stronger.

  4. I disagree with your assessment on Frost Dk. They are seriously underrepresented so logs are skewed. They have decent single target (could be better) and excellent burst and cleave aoe. Regardless, Frost always seems to creep up the rankings as an expansion progresses and they gain more crit. Most people hate on frostscythe but when your crit is high it is extremely powerful, and those obliterates hit like a truck. See you at the top on 9.2 lol 😂

  5. Enhancement is not a Stormstrike roulette anymore… but it kinda is. You are relying on your Stormbringer procs during your Doom Winds window. If they proc you do good damage, if not you loose so much damage. Enhancement needs better proc chance on Stormbringer or significant buff to other abilities, like Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt etc.

  6. well as i watch this video i also notice that WW monks have the best logs from every melee dps in 95% and in 99%… with the same parses as retri palas and outlaw rogues…… sooooo what happened there?

  7. I know this isnt a tank list. But they need to give Prot Pallies their old Holy Shield back. Then give us a version of Blessing of Sanctuary. Base pallies all off of block again.

  8. Fury in S tier… what a joke. Serahline is one of the best warriors in the game. Watch how he gets #1 parses (or did a couple months ago when i was actually paying attention and still playing). He ignores mechanics and makes the healers focus him a bit so he can have 100% uptime. If you behave like a normal raider, you’re not going to beat a windwalker, rogue, or ret paladin. If you want the absolute ideal (which isn’t unnecessary), bring a prot warrior instead of a brewmaster


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