Shadowlands Melee TIER LIST (Castle Nathria Rankings)

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The updates Shadowlands Melee Tier List is live and all the Castle Nathria rankings are looking quite different than 2 months ago! Some have risen and some have fallen in our 9.0.5 melee tier list and make no mistake, we make these wow melee dps tier list videos with a lot of data from warcraft logs and lots of input from top players and theory crafters but truth be told, it’s never easy to please everyone in any type of shadowlands melee rankings vid. That being said, the numbers have spoken and the wow melee meta has changed (for the better we think). Stick to MarcelianOnline for constant updates on all of our shadowlands melee tier list in pve 🙂

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39 thoughts on “Shadowlands Melee TIER LIST (Castle Nathria Rankings)”

  1. You're not wrong about assa. As my main spec I'm happy to see it really excel in an area, it's just a shame that that area is also the most braindead to play. Don't get me wrong, the simple ST playstyle is going to be a big help on progression, allowing us to concentrate on fresh boss mechanics while still pumping out easy DPS, but it's such a shame that the real high-IQ gameplay comes from its cleave, where it almost requires mobs to live a longer amount of time in order to get damage out. When you have a couple of boomies and DKs in the group sometimes it's not even worth spending the CP to dot up all the mobs. My love for the spec as a multi-dot cleave playstyle is what pushed me to do my entire KSM (and beyond) as assa rather than outlaw and easily take the #1 spot on RIO for my spec and realm (not as much of an achievement as it sounds – competition is scarce :p).

  2. Have you raid test? We pugged the bosses and damn, the guardian seems super easy , like sure it wipes. Very fast if you're outside the circle but overall for heroic x mechanics are cakewalk.

    Tarragrue tho..m that's insane

  3. Maybe it's a bug but breath of Sindragosa deactivates when your runic power dips below 16 when in between a tick regardless of your runic power when it should tick again

    Like i go to 10 from a tick, then i generate 20 runic power but instead of ticking again and consuming 16rp it just stops, like the game recognizes as soon as you dip below the threshold, doesn't matter if you regain RP in between one tick and another

  4. Leveled and geared up a rogue like a month ago, played Subtelty at first cause I liked the fantasy of it but got very disapointed by it's AoE rotation as it's booooooooooooring as fuck :/ so I switched to Assassination as it felt more complicated to me (in AoE) and loved its melee DoT playstyle, then BAM! the big Assa's buff showed up and I got skyrocketed to the top of the dps-meter 😀 for once -> thanks Blizz ! I hope they'll do something for Subtelty damagewise and add something to their AoE rotation. I also hope they'll buff Demonology cause I'd like to have to look behind me to see crying boomkons and fire mages' dps <3
    Awesome video guys, the FTL is my YouTube treat of the week 😛

  5. Glad Ret can do damage when we can connect, extra Divine Steed duration from Lights Barding and 2 charges of Divine Steed from the talent helps in Castle Nathria quite a bit. A few pulls per raid night I get to be top damage. Unfortunately I usually have to tank and most pulls I'm fifth on the damage meter as Protection, with only defensive options chosen for conduits and talents. If I didn't have to heal the Brewmaster monk the whole night I'd likely do a bunch more damage.(I've tried leaving his health bar for the healers to worry about but he is always face down sadly)

  6. So tired of BoS…. I want the Frost DKs 2handed Obliterates back, and obliterating….enhance once again is in a place of "eh…"
    Back to the fury warrior i guess….

  7. After Buff to Final Verdict , Ret deserves S tier spot , numbers are high and Ret is second best spec in SLG to deal consitent dmg. After WW.

    Also Sin rogue only good on Meme bosses and Sludgefist , its not strong enouth on SIre and SLG.

  8. Just something to add, Sire Denathrius you can pretty much ignore logs. P1 and P2 is where all the AoE specs farm a lot of dps, but in reality only P3 matters. That's why you see DH doing so well on logs, but no representation on early progression.

  9. when people talk about Frost DK becoming stronger, does playing 2H vs dual wield affect that at all? frost dk was my first choice of my main when SL came out but quickly saw they werent that great. kinda want to play it again

  10. I like your videos but this tier list is terrible. You miss so much important info why certain specs should be in certain tiers. Big example unholy is s tier is because they offer the best opener burst in the game with army, they offer raid wide defensive cooldown arguably best in game and the reason frost doesnt compare is because they offer an insane execute phase ontop of everyrhing else. The info is severely lacking this tier list. Its also the reason why arms is never that low down, they have a great rotation of cooldowbs to pump with condemn for 55% of any mobs health and offer the strongest execute phase bar none aswell as a raid wide defensive cooldown.


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