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Tis the season for wrapping gifts, festive decor, and…ransoming reindeer? Join PlatinumWoW for an icy plunge into the lore surrounding Feast of Winter Veil, and celebrate the holiday season WoW style.
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I’m first
My body is ready for Platinum!
First! Hi Platinum, Merry Christmas to you all.
Merry Christmas, Platinum

They found the right video xD
PlatinumWoW and Captain Grim are absolute Cinema
En español
Donde esta la traducción en español
Plat wow sell out
wheres my plunderstorm video?
Is greatfather winter an actual titan
Well, subtitles are spot on with this one.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays y'all!
Unsurprisingly, the deer has Thrall's voice lol
ah, they fixed it
Hahahaha someone gonna get bollocking for that previous vid. That’s a correct one
“SECRET PATCH” coming before 11.1
Metzen the Reindeer thanking us with Thrall's voice is peak WoW meta
Happy Holidays everyone
pongan en español no entiendo los chistes
Heeeeey they fixed it
Theeeere we go, that's the right vid lol
Wow is life
Metzen is back !!
is getting death threats from the bot mafia in the game part of the holiday? or can we expect that all year round
Merry Christmas, dear WoW community!

Now you can clock out. Enjoy the holidays!
PlatinumWoW is the heart of WoW Community.
Its about Jesus Christ. Get it right.
Platinum is the best dude to do content for Blizzard. FIRE VIDEO

Its a missed opportunity if Greatfather winter is NOT the Winter Queen's husband
Choose your side Alliance or Horde
Of course the goblins ruins everything also the reindeer lol
Me ha gustado el lore, muy interesante, por cierto ¿Para cuándo el doblaje de la empresa indie poco conocida como es Blizzard?
So interesting how the deer sounds like Chris Metzen.
More of these please
Just proof dwarves and tauren are the two best races.
Much better – earlier it was 'old plunderstorm' video but with subtitles for THIS one. Very confusing – glad the right one is up now.
Cranius winter veil video was muuuuuch better!
….this isn't Nobbel
Platniumwow still singlehandedly being the only thing keeping me interested in wow these days.