Necrolord fury warrior for me. Fury lacked survivability which flesh craft helps and the banner gives you nice burst and makes you and your team unkitable
Honestly the subtlety buffs are not near enough. Monk already had a disarm. Other wars already have a disarm. Rogue needs more PASSIVE survivability, not tiny buffs to active defensives.
Supatease da best as always ! Iam waiting changes on gearing system and game matchmaking and iam back in the game.maybe arena teams must return along with resil and a solo que match making.
Was pretty funny when Supa referred to Ret as a spec that has "SIGNIFICANT weakness'" as in multiple areas that Ret is very weak in…what exactly is "significant" about their few weakness' again? Their defensives are COMPARATIVELY weak to something like a Warrior but Ret is actually one of the better melees when it comes to staying alive, things like WW/DH/DK(although dk has the edge against casters)enhance, and Survival are all squishier and easier to kill than a Ret, realistically the only melee that are tankier than Ret are Warriors and Necro Ferals, yet Rets out here acting like theyre the squishiest class in the game, which is hilarious. Ret has been staying alive pretty well in the AWC even when a lot of the time theyre playing Final Verdict and not the prot lego.
Also for all the rets who cry about mobility, when was the last time you saw a Ret in the AWC or even just higher rated arena, have significant issues doing damage or connecting their big burst because they just couldnt stay on a target? It rarely happens because Hand of Hinderence is a 70% slow, and Freedom lasts 8 seconds on an only 25 sec CD so you cant be slowed literally 35% of the time, not to mention you literally dont even have to be in melee range to 1 shot someone with Divine Toll+Final Reck both having 30 yard ranges, and Final Verdict having a 10 yard range+ignoring armor+its damage being immune to disarms. Ret was doing absolutely fine connecting on targets that werent Aff locks(and even then that doesnt matter much when you can just blow one up in 3 seconds of a HoJ), so buffing their mobility more is quite a poor change if their damage is still going to be as broken as it is, and it potentially being even more broken with some of these new covenant legendaries.
Queue the butthurt comments from boosted Ret pals who act like the spec isnt even good.
The best thing is, we would always use Slaughterhouse in PvP anyway, so we're effectively not losing a talent, even though we also are.
Are they nerfing the hunt to counteract all these havoc buffs? Cause if not I'm really scared we will have BFA all over again 😕
Great vid again Sid 🙂
8 God damn adds in this video.
Only God Can Judge Me comment was fkg bomb 😀 Love the content! Much love from Quebec!
Any changes to the disc priest to help, since we already struggled against big bursts
Yeah, will feral die in a stun ? Yes , ok, thanks.
Necrolord fury warrior for me. Fury lacked survivability which flesh craft helps and the banner gives you nice burst and makes you and your team unkitable
Looking forward to big changes for unholy dk
No WW changes yet 🙁
Hey Supa, do you think there will be any hope for affli being viable in any shape or form in 3s, when slow effect from lego has been removed?
Pfff nothing for dk uh…
I just want pvp gearing to not be ruined. Latest PTR build just made this new worse system… worse.
Honestly the subtlety buffs are not near enough. Monk already had a disarm. Other wars already have a disarm. Rogue needs more PASSIVE survivability, not tiny buffs to active defensives.
That mastery is not worth going necro. Convoke is still too strong. Open from stealth, stun them with 5 combo points, convoke, dead.
thank god Ret got SOMETHING.
Yeayea everything cool and chill, but where is unholy here?
Double Necro Kitty Cleave and Necro Warr+DH+RShaman cant wait to try them out !
Ret is just going to be so fucked up. wtf are they doing
Every single change is bad except fury getting MS. Other classes mentiones were way too strong and now just OP. Arms now useless and pve and pvp
Supatease da best as always ! Iam waiting changes on gearing system and game matchmaking and iam back in the game.maybe arena teams must return along with resil and a solo que match making.
Was pretty funny when Supa referred to Ret as a spec that has "SIGNIFICANT weakness'" as in multiple areas that Ret is very weak in…what exactly is "significant" about their few weakness' again? Their defensives are COMPARATIVELY weak to something like a Warrior but Ret is actually one of the better melees when it comes to staying alive, things like WW/DH/DK(although dk has the edge against casters)enhance, and Survival are all squishier and easier to kill than a Ret, realistically the only melee that are tankier than Ret are Warriors and Necro Ferals, yet Rets out here acting like theyre the squishiest class in the game, which is hilarious. Ret has been staying alive pretty well in the AWC even when a lot of the time theyre playing Final Verdict and not the prot lego.
Also for all the rets who cry about mobility, when was the last time you saw a Ret in the AWC or even just higher rated arena, have significant issues doing damage or connecting their big burst because they just couldnt stay on a target? It rarely happens because Hand of Hinderence is a 70% slow, and Freedom lasts 8 seconds on an only 25 sec CD so you cant be slowed literally 35% of the time, not to mention you literally dont even have to be in melee range to 1 shot someone with Divine Toll+Final Reck both having 30 yard ranges, and Final Verdict having a 10 yard range+ignoring armor+its damage being immune to disarms. Ret was doing absolutely fine connecting on targets that werent Aff locks(and even then that doesnt matter much when you can just blow one up in 3 seconds of a HoJ), so buffing their mobility more is quite a poor change if their damage is still going to be as broken as it is, and it potentially being even more broken with some of these new covenant legendaries.
Queue the butthurt comments from boosted Ret pals who act like the spec isnt even good.
WHAT about SHAMANS??? Oh healing totem now heals a bit more… WOW that radical changes
Keep it up man, been watching your commentary for a long time.
Rogues being able to dismantle every Warrior warbreaker. Justice at last.
is it me or is fury going to be godtier????
Always with the fresh feedback!
what about Hemotoxin, assassination