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Shadowlands Arcane Mage PvP WoW Patch 9.0.5
World of Warcraft Shadowlands PvP Arcane Mage & Feral Druid Arena Gameplay (Mage POV) 205 ILVL 1750 MMR
00:00:00 Fire Mage & Subtlety Rogue
00:01:35 Holy Paladin & Arms Warrior
00:04:30 Holy Priest & Retribution Paladin
00:07:52 Discipline Priest & Affliction Warlock
Talents : Amplification, Master of Time, Incanter’s Flow, Resonance, Chrono Shift, Arcane Orb and Enlightened
PvP Talents : Arcane Empowerment, Mass Invisibility and Temporal Shield
Covenant : Night Fae, Korayn
Soulbinds : Wild Hunt Tactics, Horn of the Wild Hunt and Face Your Foes
Conduits : Artifice of the Archmage, Flow of Time, Diverted Energy and Discipline of the Grove
Legendary : Triune Ward
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Song List :
Detonate (Instrumental Version) – Stretchd
Collide (Instrumental Version) – Stretchd
Keeping Love Alive (Paeta Remix) (Instrumental Version) – Arch Tremors
Spillover – Robert Ruth
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#WoW #Shadowlands #PvP #Gaming #MMORPG
Since i started gearing my mage, i decided to give arcane a few test runs in arena. Enjoy !
Nice games dude. How do u get the ret pally forbearance next to his hp bar?
Azjol plays mage, Cdew plays warlock…. the world is upside down.
Mage survivability in solo situation or any other is more then rediculous. Don't tak about the warrior ^^ hypocrite hahahaha