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00:00 Intro
01:11 Affliction Warlock
02:11 Arcane Mage
02:56 Arms Warrior
03:47 Assassination Rogue
04:28 Balance Druid
05:33 Beast Mastery Hunter
06:16 Demonology Warlock
06:59 Destruction Warlock
08:00 Discipline Priest
08:59 Enhancement Shaman
09:47 Feral Druid
10:41 Fire Mage
11:54 Fury Warrior
12:41 Havoc Demon Hunter
13:39 Holy Priest
14:00 Marksmanship Hunter
14:25 Mistweaver Monk
15:12 Restoration Druid
16:23 Outlaw Rogue
17:11 Restoration Shaman
18:00 Windwalker Monk
18:49 Frost Mage
19:44 Survival Hunter
20:46 Subtlety Rogue
22:25 Unholy Death Knight
23:16 Shadow Priest
24:21 Elemental Shaman
25:39 Frost Death Knight
26:03 Holy Paladin
27:28 Retribution Paladin
29:55 Outro
Lets go dud
You said demonology so many times when talking about destro. Lol I do that too
Hope you guys enjoyed, was excited for this one, thanks for washin Edit: I called enhance ele multiple times and destro demo so don't mixed those two XD
As a player who has no idea about classes in shadowlands at all at the moment, I have to thank you for this tier list! And btw you said this was filmed on stream.. Pog dude the quality is insane!!
awsome vid lad
I think hunters should be below rogues in the a tier imo, everything else looks spot on to me
Nice video!!
hey man love the vid, Im new to wow and trying to decide between ww monk, sub rogue, and ret paladin to learn in pvp, which you think is the best choice?
appreciate the tier list Bro! Insane. Feral "cough cough"
Nah all jokes aside, good job on the list <3
This is helpful. I’m sitting here with a subscription but cannot choose a class to play. Stuck between mostly the s and a tiers. Can make 2. One melee and one ranged. Deciding between unholy, ww, arms for melee and shadow mm balance for ranged at the moment. I struggle too much to choose (didn’t play much of bfa besides on a DH)