WOW! Blizz Learned?! Shadowlands May Bring WoW Back: No AP Grind, Less RNG & Leveling REVAMP + Alts!

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It’s time to dive into the new features & design philosophy behind World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.
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24 thoughts on “WOW! Blizz Learned?! Shadowlands May Bring WoW Back: No AP Grind, Less RNG & Leveling REVAMP + Alts!”

  1. Im long past retail wow but i have innocent question… Y u need something like weekly chest? From dev perspective you have only so many slots to fill with bis gear. From Player perspective how the fuck are yo slaying fuking dragons and then flippin chest teleports gear to you for some reason? What the hell?

  2. I don't think its a big bonus for people that invested tons of hours to get 120 when new players can level up 60-70% faster now to get to 60 then before to 120. That means Leveling is not important anymore and the actual content with leveling will get lost. Actually seeing so few ppl lay this game just shows how dead it has become. Sad thing… I loved wow.

  3. Stop caving in to the lil whiny bitches, get rid of flying, only situational flying like the jet backs in Mechagon, instead add more flight points. Flying absolutely kills wpvp which was once one of the best most memorable parts of the gane

  4. Not playing this for obvious reasons:
    1. There is no confirmation that Arthas, Tirion or even Cairne will return in this franchise.
    2. I'm sick of Blizz making these games for money because I liked them back when their stories were gold.
    3. I hated the fact that they discontinued the classic WC3 for their Rebought version and now I can't download it.

  5. Ofcourse these reviews are not bias at all. The more people play this, the more will watch his video's. His paycheck depends on people playing and watching video's. Blizzard is shit since Activision took over. It won't be better. Every expansion people hope for better and always it has been worse.

  6. The shadowlands expansion looks pretty good but after like 3 years of not playing wow its pretty complicated.

    What i loved to do in say like the mop expansion or wod , was soloing vanilla , tbc and wotlk raids.
    But as you can only max your character to lvl 60 is that still going to be possible ?
    Btw good guide for the expansion and thanks for an answer.
    Stay safe everyone.
    Greetings from belgium

  7. Hope they stick with the "no AP-Grind" – I love leveling alts…it's what broke the game for me after WotLK (I had every class I wanted to play – so every class except rogue, warrior and deathknight – at max-level and in T9 via the tokens from heroic dungeons!)

  8. I miss my wow friends. I miss running around Azeroth. I want Blizzard be a better company, I feel like I'm watching this through window glass seeing everyone else have fun.

  9. Hell yeah there bringing back talent trees ive only been playing wow again for a short time im at 113 i like the graphic thhat goes into AP but the grind is just mehh…glad i found your channel!


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