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hOw to-Shadowlands-Patch 9.2.5-Solo Queue for Islands Expeditions, (4NEW! Player) in Shadowlands
Shadowlands-Patch 9.2.5 Eternity’s End
Solo Queue for Islands Expeditions
(4NEW! Player) in Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 Eternity’s End
Flynn Fairwind (Alliance) or Captain Rez’okun (Horde)
you can solo queue for Normal, Heroic, or Mythic
if you can’t see Flynn Fairwind …
speak to ‘Cyrus Crestfall’ in the Harbormaster’s Office
and get this quest ‘The Ashvane Trading Company’
you don’t have to complete it
there are a lot of collectibles that come from island expeditions,
no xp for lvl 50+, same rng over rng and drop rate still ^%$ /
.. it’s your call
the good news bfa mission table no addon require
MUSIC Sample : Islands Adventure loop – Blizzard Entertainment
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Royal Phalanx Gaming
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Dear RNG Entertainment, SIMPLE FIX : make all Island Expeditions items tradable