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An update on my Survival Hunter main character in Shadowlands, and how my journey from fresh capped character to geared pvp’er is going! Subscribe for more.
Agreed man. I'm loving it so far around 164ilvl. It's so cool to be able to have all of the utilities of a kiter, pet class and melee class in one. Feels like a whole new class of it's own.
What I want to see is a PvP compilation of you killing rouges, I think that would sit well with everyone. 😛 – mage player
Keep goin bro! I think watching some Bicmex will help a lot 💣💥
would love a buff to latent, I love its gameplay/targetswap burst potential. but I hurts too much to not play with craven most of the time. if no buff to latent maybe just a buff to mongoose bite/raptor strike I feel our st dps is fairly lacking
Will you make so you want to play MONK video?
Gear is king as surv, at 207 right now and over 200 has been the biggest jump in damage potential, also having all haste on every piece.
I enjoying doing a few mythic+ might top the charts but wont be "bad" dps and with all the utility you can really make yourself look good, interrupts, stun, trap, tranq, slows, emergency taunting with pet.
And totally you will get kicked from some groups just because youre surv, stopped happening so often once was geared a little. People always hate hunters and now hunters are joining in on hating Surv.
I love skrims where a MM just wont talk to me and can get the vibe they are like >,< but then I out damage them while flying all over the map.
As a fellow survival hunter I too get a strange pleasure out of beating other hunters. There’s always more room on the survival hype train! Choo-choo bois! All aboard!
What do you take instead of taking Mongoose bite!?
Get ready to really feel the hate for SV in M+
We dont hate it Because of what it is. We hate it Because it removed one of the best specs in the game….
push m+ keys
Currently on the same boat as you : Deciding if Havoc Dh or feral druid should be my main … both underdogs
4:59 lmao same. i always get that feeling when i win against an mm.
You should definitely dip your feet into arena. Playing Survival there incredibly fun and rewarding. 😀
I miss the old survival tbh
180ilvl? Are you playing the game at all?
Dont know if you explore other content creators to better yourself in this series but if you do i highly advice you to check Bicmex's part 1,2 guides on youtube theres hella information about SV in general and some good macro to manage your pet better.
Amazing i love my sv to, i switch from ret to sv and now i have more ilevel and its amazing