Another thing worth mentioning for druids (specifically night elves) in regards to world PvP is the ability to Shadowmeld into Flight Form.
I abused the hell out of this combo while playing feral. Have some gliders in your backpack as a backup if they try to knock you down with net and you'll be causing some tilting, guaranteed (alternatively if you get netted as Moonkin, use Wild Charge + flap, wait before you drop combat while in the air and then re-Flight Form. Your enemies hearts will sink. Check my druid videos for refference)
Man I watch your videos, then I get as far as opening battlenet page on my browser, I hover over install and then the voice in my head screams "don't do it! you have been clean for almost one year now, don't go back to misery."
Sweet dude, been waiting for this wicked. Thanks man!!!!
Mostly good choices, but I wouldn't choose Enhancement Shaman for anything, personally.
no warrior? lol
(Druid + Necro), Triuneguard, Fleshcraft, BM pets, (Defensive Stance) and SCK WW = disgusting/toxic/Sadly for pvp
Watched you for years, play new world and give us some awesome guides.
You put the Enhancement Shaman icon over Anduin’s nutz
Rap God supatease!
I love my shadow priest I solo que 2100 np
id argue warrior is so busted right now they could be a solo spec lol
Zug Zug
Another thing worth mentioning for druids (specifically night elves) in regards to world PvP is the ability to Shadowmeld into Flight Form.
I abused the hell out of this combo while playing feral. Have some gliders in your backpack as a backup if they try to knock you down with net and you'll be causing some tilting, guaranteed (alternatively if you get netted as Moonkin, use Wild Charge + flap, wait before you drop combat while in the air and then re-Flight Form. Your enemies hearts will sink. Check my druid videos for refference)
Best world pvp class by far
Supa been workin out? Them arms lookin kinda big my guy
Bro why did you put the Enh sham icon over Anduin's junk? lululull
Bottom line, pick up a druid and you'll be alright.
I would have switched survival hunter for enhancement shaman.
These vids are awesome, best wow-content ones out there. Hope next patch is gonna be good so i can play some fackin retail again!
Man I watch your videos, then I get as far as opening battlenet page on my browser, I hover over install and then the voice in my head screams "don't do it! you have been clean for almost one year now, don't go back to misery."
I’m having a AWFUL time playing Ass rogue in PvP right now! Getting butt fucked every match! I may swap to BM Hunter?
Would love to hear what you think about Assassination Rogue
The curtains man. Nice add. Great content too