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This week things shake up with activities for alts! Timewalking and holiday events are here to give them a kick while the latest mythic keystone affixes are bound to serve up a challenge.
Soul’s Morning Stream – 830AM Tuesday through Thursday
Raid Streams – 7PM Tuesdays and Thursdays
World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!
#warcraft #shadowlands
the first xD
just 49 more to go lets goooo
I just realized that week 20 means 5 months into this game and I have only one toon at level 60….I have gone from filthy casual to hardly ever plays….sigh…..on a note that brings a smile, I like how you get one salty word in there using…what is it…a movie clip or something? I smile every time. Good for you.
Bc Time walk runs is the perfect time for my DK to bring out his Glaives of Azzinoth and take a dps loss
Thx soul!
I don't even play WoW anymore, but I love this type of videos. Always watch them, thank you for good content!
Blizz wow team needs the update not the Game
I like how the text for BC timewalking is for level 50 and above only. maybe just an oversight.
How the hell do you have your sanctum done? I have never missed a day and i am still on lvl3 with the conservatory…?
Thanks for this!
Thanks for the guide and update. I am so glad not to have bought Shadowlands. 🙂 Really Really glad. Keep up the good work on updates on WoW.
I'm having a hard to logging in, main resto druid doing mythic plus, and the last couple of weeks ive been having really bad pugs in 11-12 keys. Dps not interrupting, or moving out of stuff, only a few weeks ago I could do these keys easily with pugs. All the good players are way ahead I guess and im stuck with the rabble. Mythic + is the only reason I log in too, but this xpac is really losing its steam fast.
Geralt is quickly becoming my spirit animal when it comes to nasty affixes.
1:11 yeah if you're one of those people can I get a carry to 1600 please???
Watching this series weekly keep it up. Hope bob is doing well!
Yay shit week