Should WoW Classic Players Play Shadowlands

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34 thoughts on “Should WoW Classic Players Play Shadowlands”

  1. I am the same tbc is all I want now I mean nax yeah but to be totally honest I did nax in vanilla and I don't really fancy huge grinds for pots and finding out who is a shit player and having to replace them happens allot in nax I remember half my raid team where replaced it required skilled people.

  2. I thought lvling was super boring and incredibly lonely. Not a fan. But the pace was nice for alts. But you never really experience a zone. You go point a to b with every helping hand and no exploration.

  3. 5:00 Heirloom gear does not increase XP gain anymore. And I don't think it's more fun at all…everytime you get a blue in classic while leveling, you're STOKED. When did you ever get stoked for a gear upgrade while leveling in retail? Oh wait, we're wearing heirlooms which skip the entire game design of gear increases.

  4. the problem is like you said, other than tbc pvp and then wotlk do i even want to or have time to do anything else? and if i do its probably going to be ashes of creation not retail.

  5. I have the problem with the animations. I can’t understand shit in what is happening, everything explodes everywhere… And when I look at pvp, I see warriors oneshooting people, it’s even more violent than in classic. Plus the timing is so bad… I will not join shadowlands…

  6. I've tried to play retail many times and I just can't get into it. It does seem overwhelming, it's a totally different game. Feels like everything is proc'ing all the time, no real casts, mostly all instant moves. I like a simpler time like tbc, which classic is as close to it as you can get. I just wish world buffs weren't a thing and there was some class balancing so we could get a variety of group set ups.

  7. they screw classic so bad…. release patch 1.12.x, boosted items, boosted specs… how private servers make better ´´classic experience´´ then blizzard? 🙂

  8. Not possible… the changes to the system means my 8 year old computer can no longer run the retail version effectively (and its a laptop so not upgradable). And really, I have zero interest in the trash fire of a story line and the new factions of the dead thing they are doing.

    What good is advancement in a game they keep moving the goal posts in, and playing with currency thats useless from one year to the next?

  9. Retail is retail it will never be anything like classic, it’s a completely different game. But if you’re playing classic you can play shadowlands whenever so why not try it? Most people play the first month or two of retail and quit anyway.

  10. Glad to see that you'll be spending some time on retail. I've recently made a full switch to retail for Shadowlands. I look forward to seeing more Shadowlands content from you Sarthe. Especially if it is the same high quality content that you have provided for Classic.

  11. Takeaways I got from playing patch 9.0 (pre-release of Shadowlands):
    Questing is rewarding.
    Healers are harder (see nuisance) to play (while leveling in dungeons) compared to Retail-Pre-9.0. This is proportionate to the pulls that I have experienced/seen in past while playing as a healer, tank, or dps. I used to be able to get a good chunk of dps/cc in as a healer.
    Racing through an instance – I want to say there's complementary aspects that carry over to and from Retail and Classic. I've seen the game / gamers evolve with this. Though Classic is more unforgiving on full wipe (Retail – ya, right) with world buffs. Of course, I'm basing this on the content that I play: Classic raiding and Retail (still not invested that much) leveling dungeons.

  12. I'm debating on grabbing it, I had a blast with early BFA and 8.3 was lit, Nyalotha was a really fun raid and we got a group of my classic guild together to run some heroic Nya. Even did some mythic pluses, had a blast because I was playing with my classic bros. I'll probably pick up Shadowlands tbh, the monthly fee includes retail too so at least it'll be something to do during downtimes

  13. Heirlooms suck balls man – it’s “easy” gear, but it means nothing, it is nothing. It changes with you, i hate it. There’s no “feel” with them, no “vibe”, they have no identity. But I guess, the leveling that progression is meant to be negligible, just play endgame

  14. Thanks for the vid, I was curious to get the opinion of a classic oriented player.

    The game just feels too different, the leveling experience is too important for me (To get acquainted to the world, its mechanics, its people, your class, etc.) and I don't see the appeal of playing such a game, if I'm going to get to the top level within a day, then get to dungeons with humanbots…
    Then, no 40 players raid makes it uninteresting to me, as I enjoy the social aspect of the game a lot. I love having a varied bunch of classmates to discuss and play with.

    I understand the mechanics of WoW classic are outdated and somehow easier than other expansions, but… If I want to play a difficult game in a lonely way, I'm going to have more fun playing Demon Souls soon, and Sekiro is just perfect for my taste in the moment.
    So… yeah, Shadowland won't make me leave classic, and Naxxramas will be the end of my story with this game (Maybe Woltk classic… as an old Warcraft 3 player, I might want to kick the Lich King ass). And I'm fine with it, as its the raid that made me come back to this game. I wanted to finish what I couldn't do 15 years ago as a kid!

    Will def trey it tho while bufflocked, to see if I can meet the fun you're talking about!


  15. The time whatever thing is to compensate the nostalgic effect they have witnessed from classic servers.
    But, it is damn boring because :
    1. Leveling speed is too fast makes no sense to go through entire expansion/area/zone.
    2. You will still be impossibly tanky and able to do everything solo. Removing the need to actually interact with other players.
    3. Everything is so easy, well pathed and comfy that you can't take it slow.
    4. There is no real need to do professions since you will not have time to go through each zone and there is no significant benefit from doing professions.
    5. No down time. No need to waste so many time eating and drinking. Your health/mana will regen so fast.

    Why are these things bad? These are good things, right?

    Imagine you are playing a car racing game against NPCs that will never be able to kill you, which means you can speed up as much as you wish with unlimited invulnerability and no down time. Even when you actually die, you can ress up very quickly.

    Is it fun? No, of course. Then it becomes a burden to level up. It becomes a chore. Everybody will just want to reach max level immediately and begin end game journey.

  16. I also just started experimenting with retail, I felt so fresh off the boat when I first went into Orgrimmar, everyone flying around, haha. The game feels so lonely, did some dungeons and nobody ever speaks, only people spamming trade and that's about it. Rogue feels very different too, long are the days of carefully planning your moves and 2-shotting someone in wpvp. So many mechanics that I have no idea about, not to mention mechanics that no longer exist (what even is titanforging or corruption?!). That being said, I will try Shadowlands when it comes out. Usually a game is very fun when nobody knows anything about it, all about the mistery I guess.

    TBC gonna be lit tho.


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