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Patch 10.2.7 introduces yet another time limited event – but this time, its pve instead of pvp, and it come with a massive experience buff to let you level super quickly! Lets take a look at what we know so far.
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What do you think from what we know so far? I guess I know how I'm leveling up the rest of my alts before the War Within!
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I have 58 70s. Nothing is appealing about leveling at this point. I don't need more alts. I loved plunderstorm but this is trash IMO
I wonder if challenge mode dungeons will be on that list of things to do XD
well this would have been nice if i didnt have a lvl 70 of every class already
This should be perma feature. I've been talking for some time about how old raids should be incorporated in leveling. Leveling and endgame really have nothing in common, how do you expect anyone new to start playing the game? The game literally teaches you nothing and leveling should be used to teach you stuff. Not to mention it's fun for veterans not wanting to do same quests over and over when leveling alts.
I'm so excited. I'm drooling to try it now
I'm only doing it for the cosmetics won't lie lol
I can see them using this as a trial run for future content. Now its hard to say if this will be a thing like the classic remakes because some would consider MoP and beyond the start of Retail WoW with Talent changes from the point system to what it was in MoP all the way to DF with our talent system we have now. Could this be a new way to level characters up right before a new expansion, kind of like a lot of the Pre-Patch events have done now for several years. But instead of that letting the player base experience an old expansion and adding some flavor, new mounts and the like? I do not think this will replace pre patch events but could be a trial run to maybe a new event that happens before every new expansion, Only time will tell but I am excited nonetheless for this event.
Thank you for the video
Is this on the PTR?
I like it keep up the work blizzard 🙂
In all honesty, while the mogs and mounts are nice I am most excited to get the appearance for the Legendary Cloak which will carry over to my other characters and I can finally get to Ordos. During MoP I was 80% completed on the Legendary questline and had to quit WoW due to life so being able to get this is making me very happy.
Can I use my current alts or will I have to make completely new characters? Really hope I can use my pre-existing ones cause they're not low level so restarting is inconvenient af.
I wonder if challenge mode mogs and dungeons will return
I’ll believe when I see it. Blizz likes to nerf down things when players are having too much fun.
This is not "trash" "crap" "lazy" "a waste of time" "lame" or any of the other hyperbolic negative "takes" I've seen.
It seems like it will be a cool event and I hope Blizzard continues to do more things like it in these x.x.6 and x.x.7 patches.
Frankly, a lot of the extreme negativity towards WoW comes from people who probably sit in trade chat insulting people or starting fights over politics more than they actually play the game.
If they even play the game anymore to begin with.
MoP was the only WoW expac i missed. As a kid I started with Vanilla stopped early Cata and didn't come back til late Warlords.
And while i have gone to Pandaria through timewalking i only got Jade Forest questline done. So I am personally looking forward to this.
This looks like a lot of fun and I love that gold dragon.
uh wait, so…. the mogs you get only can go to classic? I am confuzled
this is awesome, hopefully it's not April fools.
Totally avoided Plunderstorm. It offered me nothing of value or interest, but I may try this one due to the transferability of the char into Retail. I gave up playing dress-up dolls at age three so cosmetic rewards just don't do it for me.
Not a PVP person at all but I must say, Plunderstorm was super refreshing and interesting and got me into playing fun PVP. However, As a PVE person, this is music to my ears literally by 325%!
Blizzard has stepped up their game the past year and I love it and I PRAY they continue down this path cause ^they have been bringing so much to the table lately that barely can keep up 😀
So if we don't want to start a new character there's nothing to do or see?
yeah dont use your spellbooks to overcome a opp.
just use a boost. without suffering. this worldd will burning(i mean earth not azeroth)
I'll be grinding this on NA Windrunner for sure. I missed MOP expansion so it'll be nice to get to play it in an amped up fashion
and then they wonder why PvP is so broken to a extent that people dont engage with it at all…
STOP the overpowering of classes! Turn down the pace, make everything slower… please Blizzard
I know that M+ has 8-10x the playerbase compared to PvP, thus the dev's orient on the likings of the PvE players… but just dont forget there are PvP players too in this game and balancing goes in a completely direction for PvE
Just lemme get the 3 CM's i could not get and we gucci ❤️
Not interested unless it offers recolored / new Pandaria pvp rewards aswell