State of ELEMENTAL SHAMAN in Shadowlands

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The state of Elemental Shaman in Shadowlands is actually great 🙂 Lots of folks talk about the 9.1 elemental shaman meta between the casters and there is a lot to cover on 9.1 elemental shaman covenant updates, legendaries, talents, rotation and everything we can touch within the 9.1 elemental shaman pve. Together with Damastius and Sheffy from the Earthshrine Discord we go over all the 9.1 elemental shaman changes plus past iterations and what could possibly come for the spec in the future 🙂 As always stick to MarcelianOnline for more spec specific chats and also be sure to check out the boys on the links below:



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19 thoughts on “State of ELEMENTAL SHAMAN in Shadowlands”

  1. So glad Gust of Wind was mentioned. My heart yearns for that ability to come back, as do the hearts of the majority of the elemental shaman community who got to experience the Legion playstyle. Doesn't even make sense why it was removed, the Blizzard comment supposedly being that it was too similar to Mage's Blink… And yet druids got to keep their Wild Charge leap, which is essentially the same thing as GoW. And Mages got the iconic Bloodlust, but that was fine…

    I also loved the Lightning Rod and Path of Flame (Lava Burst deals 10% more damage and causes Flame Shock to spread from the target to a nearby enemy) talents. Would love to have the Legion ele shaman playstyle back.

  2. Most fun time for me was in 4.3 at the end of Cataclysm. They let lightning bolt be able to be used whilst moving and that added a great feeling of mobility to the spec. Went straight out in 5.0!

  3. if I could pry myself away from doing melee dps/tanking rolls I probably enjoy alisham in quite a bit. I do have one but haven't played it since BFA. Enhancement has done well previously and although it might not be top of the charts right now they are capable of putting out some good numbers but I don't find the playstyle as rewarding because group utility is lower than some other classes. before 9.0 was released I expected elemental shaman to be in the place that fire may found themselves, being burst gods and AOE gods. PVP is lots of fun on Ellie and I've seen restoration shamans do very well in PvP. I still don't think Kelly needs something from blizzard to make it even more attractive, something special and big for dungeon and raid utility.

  4. Guild imploded after CN. Got a spot on a new team with the proviso that I drop my Mage and main Ele. So here we are. Mained Ele in wrath but it's been a while.

  5. I started playing wow shortly before BFA was released and it was my first char ever made. I settled on shaman because it was a caster (which I main ele) who I could also swap to healer or melee if I wanted. Also casting chain lightning bolts is fucking awesome lol


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