Steal THE Most BROKEN Buff In Shadowlands And One-Shot Everyone, 200% Damage

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A short video about spell-stealing a stupidly op buff called “rising flame” from a mawforged construct that does 200% damage in the maw to one-shot players.

Macro:/use 14
/castsequence reset=30 Combustion, Fire Blast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast

(use 14 is for trinkets in the 14th slot, delete that bit of the macro if you don’t have one)


36 thoughts on “Steal THE Most BROKEN Buff In Shadowlands And One-Shot Everyone, 200% Damage”

  1. Great video as always! Spellsteal exploits are always interesting to see because Blizzard has the choice when making the spell if it can be stolen or not …it’s almost like they wanted you to find and abuse this.

  2. I am subscribed to you, and this video did appear on my recommended watch row or whatever, if that is valuable feedback. Sidenote; enjoy the content, thanks a lot. Stay safe and peace.

  3. I used to love spell stealing the boss mobs buffs. It took it from the boss, and I got the benefit. Some of those things were way overpowered!
    So of course, blizz made them unstealable, or at least all the ones from the bosses I faced. Glad to see they forgot some out there somewhere. 😉


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