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Join me in playing through the World of Warcraft Shadowlands expansion. We’ll be playing multiple characters and experiencing as much as this expansion has to offer as possible! See you in the Shadowlands!
Recording Software: OBS
Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020, Photoshop Pro CC
Microphone: USB Condenser Microphone
I seriously love all of your Wow content! 🙂 Amazing Job!
Good. You managed to avoid accidental leaping off ledges in this episode.
How did you resist not instantly auctioning that eternal crystal? You can level enchanting in a few months when the price drops 70%
How many more characters are you going to make to run through this expansion? Just a reminder Tuesday is patch day for FF14 AND Cyberpunk the day after, launches! YIPPIE, see ya in Nigh city.