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Stormheim is the easternmost region of the Broken Isles archipelago, situated in the shadow of Highmountain to the west and the ancient region of Suramar to the southwest. Stormheim is notably home to a large population of vrykul who left Northrend many ages ago in search of their holy land. The region’s rugged, uneven landscape has since become something of a cradle for vrykul society, which is centered around its long fjords and steep ravines.
Religion and culture in Stormheim generally revolves around the titan keeper Odyn, who is viewed as a god among the vrykul, though his nemesis Helya is also venerated in some areas. In recent times, vrykul belonging to the Tideskorn clan have also pledged themselves to the demonic Burning Legion in exchange for power. The Halls of Valor and Helheim, the realms to which the vrykul journey when they die, are located in this zone.
Having once served as the stage for fierce battles during the War of the Ancients, Stormheim would once again see turmoil during the third invasion of the Burning Legion. Both the Horde led by Sylvanas Windrunner, and the Alliance under Genn Greymane would arrive and clash in the region as both groups searched for the legendary Aegis of Aggramar. Set against the backdrop of a major demon incursion, this conflict would decisively shape the early stages of the war on the Broken Isles.
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions/subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Stormheim: Russell Brower
Holy Warriors, Preserver: Sam Cardon
Highmountain: Glenn Stafford
World of Warcraft Legion Stormheim locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Kingsfall Pass
0:02:13 Stormtorn Foothills
0:04:28 Nashal the Watcher
0:05:23 Kingsfall Pass
0:06:04 Hrydshal
0:10:35 Stony Highlands
0:12:40 Nashal’s Watch
0:13:44 Cove of Nashal
0:16:29 Weeping Bluffs
0:18:47 Aggramar’s Vault
0:20:24 Amberfall Mesa
0:21:20 Talonrest
0:22:14 Weeping Bluffs
0:24:36 Stormwing Rookery
0:25:56 Thorim’s Peak
0:27:17 Skold-Ashil
0:31:25 Dreadwake’s Landing
0:32:25 Greymane’s Offensive
0:35:11 Skold-Ashil / Vault of Eyir
0:38:00 Inkbinders Rise
0:38:42 Runeaxe Training Grounds
0:39:32 The Runewood
0:40:38 Akstad
0:41:51 Haustvald
0:44:27 Tideskorn Harbor
0:46:40 Shield’s Rest
0:49:53 Citrine Bay
0:50:53 Morheim
0:51:53 Greywatch
0:53:15 Valdisdall
0:55:53 Gates of Valor
0:59:00 Outro (Don’t click!!)
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #WoW
Sorry for not getting this movie out faster. It took me a lot of time to decide on the story and frames. I wanted to make a Tarantino movie, but I feel that it ended up like a kid's movie. Rain / storm ambience might be great for some, but loud ambience noises are not for everyone and YouTube does not encode the best the frames which have a lot of changes. And the ambience was hell to reproduce / create. I can go on and on like this.
The music is great, Russell Brower and Sam Cardon did an OUTSTANDING job here. I like the Howling Fjord influences; I love the way Holy Warriors and Stormheim blend together. Even High Mountain theme is mixing well.
Regardless of my hesitation, I hope you'll enjoy the musical story and my RP story.
Do you like this video? Give it a like, listen to more (playlist links below), subscribe. Do you want to support my work? Details in the video description.
P.S.: Do I need to comment about what's going on at Blizzard? This is so sad and disturbing 🙁
I'll try to continue my work, I am doing this for me, although, I admit, this is getting pretty tough. Just when you think they reached the lowest, they'll hit you with more.
Legion music & ambience playlist:
All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist:
Livestream with Music & Ambience:
With love,
Excellent work as always!
I love legion music
A other good vidoe dude keep it up you rock i love stormheim
I miss you Legion
I did not play Legion, looks like i missed out on a great zone.
Legion > TBC > Vanilla > the rest. YEP
Nice zone! The rain and lightning definitely fit the style. This absolutely grabbed a thing or two, or 1423, from Howling Fjord lol.
Some good memories are here. This is, probably, the last great expansion of this game..
Preserver – gives me goosebumps
Perfect ambience, rain with Legion music. As always, thank you Meisio.
As always, a musical RP journey so wonderfully portrayed. 😌 The older Vrykul themes in the Howling Fjord intertwined with Stormheim's newer arrangements were absolutely breathtaking when I first heard them; in fact they still are. Can never tire of hearing Stormheim's music; there is a wistful air about it. I thank you deeply for this journey you have (and continue) to take us on.
Until next time, my friend. 🙂
The zone I had always wanted ever since WotLK.
The music suits it perfectly.
Storm as much as you like,so the music is quiet and pleasant,Holly Warrior music it's the pudding of this zone,Highmountain music just doesn't fit here in Stormheim at all,too much empty rocks,needed a bit more from Tideskorn Harbor and Helya's domain wich is in the same zone,Menace of the Dark Titan music missing,too less of the ground zone and mobs,settlements,and the most important thing is the Halls of Valor too less shown and Odyn is missing ,the video is not that great made,it could have been better,but in any case nice to see Stormheim again.Have a nice day.
As we reach the busiest time of the semester, I am always grateful for your videos. They got me through my first year of grad school and I'm sure they will get me through this one as well! Cheers!
Even Legion feels nostalgic now, damn I feel old lol
and a lok'tar to you
Babe wake up, new Meisio just dropped
best page ever
absolutely loved this zone
great vid as always !
Well done 🙂
Love the rainy stormy intro. I appreciated your thoughtful matching of zone music to scene and climate.
In WotLK, I wished I had more excuses to visit Howling Fjord. In Legion they said "hey, all zones scale, pick whichever you want!"
Guess which one I spent most of my time in.
(Well OK this and Suramar, but that's like choosing between perfection and perfection)
I was just listening to some of the older videos and was wondering if you're still alive, nice to see that you are. Bless.
After several years of beatiful journey I ended up breaking with the game. This doesn't mean I won't go back in some time. But there is something, except lore, that will always stay with me – music and zones. Appreciate all the efort Meisio for creating a space, where I can return whenever I feel a need. To sink deep into this atmosphere. To merge with Azeroth and all the life inhabiting her. Splendidly done!
I know it's probably an unpopular opinion, but for me Legion was the best version of the game (even with the Legendary madness in the first half). The zones were brilliant, mythic + was new and fresh, the raids (on heroic at least) were so much fun, the artifact weps and order halls were outstanding, and Suramar was unforgettable as well as meme-worthy. I'll probably never play another new WoW xpac as BfA and SL have been such crap and Blizz looks like it is going down so hard, but I'm glad I had those two years of Legion to make peace with the game.
thanks you so much!!!
I like this
While i like all leveling zones in Legion, i always found the quests ands stories they tell to be completly ignorable. Yeah, you are looking for those 4 allmighty artefacts, that happen to wait for you some 100 years just on this island and in these zones. Prob. the weakest point of the whole expansion. While all zones were good looking, great design overall, the only one that really was good and cohesiv, was High Mountains, the rest felt more like some sort of Rollercoaster Theme Park, too much different looks, themes and Enemies cramped into. Nonetheless, music is good as always, thanks for the video.
Legion was a great exp., it got better and better! Loved the zones.