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These solo farms still make gold after the auction house merge in World of Warcraft Shadowlands and they are all in one place. There is still gold to be made before Dragonflight release. #worldofwarcraft #goldmaking #goldfarming
WOW Time Discord:
Fun to see that the farms went well for you 😀 You can get spiders all around the edges. Another good one is killing the birdppl for their feathers and hand in for mog items in Shattrath 🙂
My favorite ways of making gold right now are crafted gear and battle pets, among few others, I'm not a fan of farming things that require you to keep moving, but since one mob can give you 4 different items that you can sell, maybe I'll give it a try these days, thanks for the video.
Another great video. Ty!
So weird seeing this farm lol. I farmed all of these things really hard in classic right before WOTLK released
Fml, ive deleted around 1k venom sacs as on wowhead showed nothing
Guys, I've just tried it out on EU server, it seems to be like 8000-9000 gold per hour, that's pathetic…
You can follow one of my routes for this location. I forget how many materials you get from it but you can also get the mote of life, also if you have herbalism you can pick the plants you kill or pick up herbs along the route. If you are a miner you can pick up the ores as well. Though preferably a skinner one this route for sure.
i have a feeling that with such prices on TBC items the upcoming prices for DF items will drop even faster :/ damn merge