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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
i love Dalaran
but not as much as i love Sub rogue lol
I hope sub does not change going into SL. I wish Sin rogue was not so clunky and slow now. Sin rogue has a lower crit value now and having to keep SnD rolling, what a pain. SnD seems to get in the way.
Also back to sub, I think crit 1st and versatility 2nd.
Never never ever use rupture while dancing :). Huge damage loss since 1 evi less in dance.
man i'm so happy for sub, fingers crossed hoping that they don't nerf it to the ground like in bfa
Delete rogues.
So happy to see sub being viable again for pve.
im still loving my assa anyway
Thank you for this video! I've been trying to get sub pumping. This helps a lot 😁
I actually leveled my first rogue ever in all the 15 years of playing wow with this prepatch, and it was as Sub. I happened upon your guide after hitting 50 and you were clear cut and straight to the point. VERY helpful for me. Thank you sir.
Missed the last couple streams while i had to take care of some Adulting.
Cant wait to get on and get this sub build going tho!
best horde race for rogue?
I've played a rogue since WotK but never gave sub a good chance because I loved assassination and combat. I leaned over to outlaw half way through bfa and now sub in prepatch and i gotta say all rogue specs are insanely fun.
Obviously you use dagger mainhand whilst playing sub but do you really need to use a dagger offhand or is a sword / mace ok?
Really helpful thanks 👍
I'm going to main sub in shadowlands definitly even if it gets nerfed I don't mind, I really like how it plays
Excellent video…
But gutting doesn't work well, it's bugged …
If you look at the pure and basic damage with six combo points, add Death Symbols, Shadow Dances, Shadow Blade and it should always put higher than that damage that says when you look at your gut and 60% puts below the value …
Example if it says that it puts 1,800 in several occasions it puts 900 or 1200 and that is wrong because with the enhancers that should not be happening …
I reported the error to Blizzard and I hope everyone does the same !!!
PS: I speak Spanish and use an English translator !!!
The animations on my rogue are kinda messed up after the patch for some reason. For example when i use Eviscerate/Marked for Death/Eviscerate i can see only one animation for the first evis. For the second one i can't even see the damage number… Also Envenom used to make a green line animation the moment you used it, and now it does nothing. Eviscerate also does nothing to look different from normal hits. And i think there's some minor delay between the moment you hit the finisher and the moment numbers are shown. Dunno something feels off.
If people do what you did, you are gonna end up lower end of the dmg meter in raiding and the overall dmg you would be behind a blood dk/ proc paladin :))))))))))))))))))))))) lmao more crit = find weakness????? If you have difficulty keeping up find weakness, you have weakness in brain.
Aaaaaaaaaand nerfed…
What is the Stat prio ? O,o
Good thing all specs got back their poisons.
Idk but mastery has to sim the best cause versa doeant scale much. Mastery and crit is the way to go haste falls of if u stack it plus u have slice and dice
Me seeing shadowlands pre patch the first day:
„Hah, finally i can be a rogue with daggers and be top tier dps again!“
„How about i nerf all your shit?“
I really wanted to try this spec, but it was too complicated so I'm just sticking to my good old outlaw