The 5 Biggest WINNERS Of Phase 3 Changes | Season of Discovery | WoW Classic

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RestedXP now features a FREE guide on rune locations that will be super useful on alts or just getting last few harder to find runes. Check out the 1-60 leveling guide thats been developed by classic’s top speedrunners too! (also free up to level 20) Use Code: WILLE for 5% off!

We have had tons of datamined info come out regarding phase 3 of season of discovery which means we can start theorycrafting builds for our classes heading into this next phase.
Today ive picked out 5(ish) classes and specs which are due to recieve updates that I think are really going to help them power up.
For me, these are The 5 Biggest WINNERS Of Phase 3 Changes | Season of Discovery | WoW Classic

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32 thoughts on “The 5 Biggest WINNERS Of Phase 3 Changes | Season of Discovery | WoW Classic”

  1. speaking as a shaman main who just played the STV event after the nerf, let me put it this way: im down from casual 1400 coins to scraping by with 700… dunno if this was because i was in a warrior group but this wasn't a problem before the patch where i was also in a lot of warrior groups.

    blizzard have literally nerfed my AP from 1400 (with beta + double rockbiter) to 400 (with WF+Flametongue which is what they want us to run).
    my health is down from 3.4k to 1.9k…
    now i too can hit like a noodle and die in a single cheap shot, so i want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the community, this is the experience i was looking for. this reminds me of vanilla enhancement so vividly and im getting so nostalgic so thanks, i love having my entire spec destroyed.

    have fun looking for tanks next phase btw.

  2. I think if you can get this aoe rune early or get ur guild to help you , with all the other aoe stuff, molten blast, enchant body, oil of immolation, will make it one of the best tanks to farm dungeons with right ? 🤷🏻

  3. Wille has no idea about rogue

    Combo point finishers? Yeah that’s great, it was a DPS loss to even use your energy to use finishers over mutilate

    Rogue was second worst dps class last phase with 0 utiitly

    Even these posions are awful, they need rogues dps hugely for not any benefit, they even reduce raid dps due to how much they decrease a rogues dps

    Fuck me, I hate tons of creators talking about rogue when they have no clue, even with sims with all new runes and gear we are one of the worst dps classes in game

  4. Really hope the change to Sniper Training is enough to make it viable! Seems like a good solution to a class fantasy that's hard to balance with the movement mechanics that usually follow pve combat, one that no other class has (using ranged weapons I mean) and an addition that might surpass even "future" iterations of MM

    Also, since you called this video "biggest winners" do you intend to make a "biggest losers"? Are there any classes and playstyles that became less viable with the changes in p3? Is it too early or too nonsensical to talk about it before playing it?

  5. Pro tip for Ele shamans! Use Rank 1 Lightning bolt in pvp to stack up lightning shield charges as you kite with frost shock since it is a very very short cast time and basically free.

  6. Shockadins also get something VERY interesting. Especially the Spellpower variant. Not because of runes, but rather: Items.
    Because that one wants to equip a caster weapon with high attack speed. Which does not exist in P2, except for the Glimmering Gizmoblade, which is a dagger. Paladins can not wear daggers.
    With the new STV weapon that changes. A holy-damage buffing caster sword with 1.5 attack speed. This in addition to the new PvP Set will likely result in IOF-Shockadins becomming a playable spec for raids (Not the best in terms of DPS, but reasonable in terms of DMG with the option to switch to healing for emergencies).

    Probably will be a fun spec for PvP too.

  7. Played MM hunter all through classic and was top five on the DPS chart. Unless your racing for server first it doesn’t mean a damn thing as MM hunter will do plenty of damage to progress through anything.

  8. At this point I think Blizzard is actively trying to reduce the Paladin population. I'm not really joking, I think Blizzard considers balance in popularity just as much as they consider balance in ability, when balancing. And since Paladins are so popular, it explain why Blizzard has never dared let them be even remotely best at anything. Shamans gets to have all their specs be one of the best in the game, Paladins get none.
    F*ck everything!!!!

  9. Honestly for warlock it looks like 6/30/5 is going to be best for “affliction” builds so you actually get damage bonuses on your Corruption. Master Channeler is going to be extremely shadowed by Demonic Tactics.

  10. I really do hope overcharged for shaman tanks is a thing and does well for aoe threat help too, because unlike paladin tanks that can drop concentration with unlimited targets, shaman tanks molten blast only hits up to 4 targets. I'm hoping overcharge does well for helping with more target threat as we tab molten blast, especially by end game 5mans that have more mobs in pulls at times.


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