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World of Warcraft is in its most desperate hour and one hero must rise to save the MMO that he loves. He’s small, he’s soft and he smells big – he’s Nixxiom, along with his trusty sidekick, Nixxiom.
Made by, Nixxiom
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#WorldofWarcraft #SeasonofMastery #WoWClassic
I just went through Silverpine forest again where Sylvanas shows off the Val'kyr to Garrosh. They cut out the word bitch when he tells her to "watch her clever mouth" – what the fuck.
Bring back Ghostcrawler and put him in charge of everything
World of Warcraft is pulling strats out of the ragnarok online playbook by rereleasing a bunch of different classic versions of the game left and right
Where is Nixiom?
Can’t do it. Blizzard is dead to me.
whats the lord of the rings challenge? i was thinking of trying WoW again.. havnt played in like 7 years xD
Phase 3 of BC is coming out soon tho. And thats top tier hype next to wotlk
They could re-release classic wow every 3 years or so and I’d come back every time
I just transferred my tricked out rogue to a season of mastery server, can't wait to gank ungeared scrubs who can't hope to fight me.
What server you playin on Nixxiom?
I mean try to use the trade chat in retail thar along says a lot of the state of the game
Dude what happend to dolan?
Too Nixxiom make another video brooo
If they make it a free to play pay for no more bullshit, sure. Otherwise, no. Not paying their shit any longer.
come out of the closet, nice 😀
Woah man
Nah, not wasting my time on this, fast phasing and all these crap changes is against anything good in classic, sad we won`t see vanilla again now, because next season it will be even more changes, and yea.. when did blizzard ever change anything to the better
It's been some time, but I always played WoW on and off every few years and just this week I missed playing it and remembered how I love/loved all the lore and characters, the setting… but not only it's difficult supporting blizz because of all that happened, but because the prices are so abusive for me.
Just ended downloading some wotlk rivate server.
Its not like he cant play vanilla WoW without suckling at Blizzards tit (much like im sure some of their staff would like to do), private servers have been around and doing that shit for YEARS. Like, Blizzard doesnt care about them unless they actively rival the main game, not unless they throw a hissy fit about the declining popularity and just start sending C 'n' Ds left and right. I know this is like old news at this point, but it needs stating.
Id love to see Blizzard succeed… BUT I don't really care anymore. Blizzard can go sit on a fucking Tauren dick and spin some. Atlest that way they will be earning gold coins, fucking goblins.
Ok… what will happen to WOW? since you know.. MICROSOFT just bought Blizzard.
Hopefully Microsoft can fix things…
I miss you nixxiom… where are you?
Hey man, hope you make a video on Microsoft
Is Nixxiom dead? His content is just grinding to a hault. Ever since he moved to Europe for his woman the channel just hasn't been the same….
I got to lvl 59 before my friends bailed and I just got over WoW (quitting) as a priest. I even did it as Holy in Classic, not bad. Its slow but it wasn't that bad.
Although I am still somewhat enjoying TBC Classic I didn't have any interest in restarting classic. Also I'm enjoying my time in the land of dancing cat girls… and the bunny girls…… annnnnd the dragon girls
Lol this is a funny video
I wish you get well soon my man! We really miss you!
For anyone wondering, dude shattered his collarbone (into 6 pieces) while biking.
Atleast nixxiom is doing fine
I am several months late on this, but Warlock is so much fun in classic. Class quests, free mount, soul stone/health stone, and the ability to summon. Everybody wants a warlock in group.
Warlock in my opinion is more interesting to play, specially because I like rp, and the classic warlock makes me feel in the class, with all the class quests, rituals to summon demons, and more. I think they have the best exclusive quests. The only con is having a bag full of soul shards, but having one bag full of then kinda feels good, it's a strange feeling.
nixxiom is a chubby boy now HOLY