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thew horde leveling is kind of confusing a bit less confusing route you can take is after hillsbrad do the intro to draenor quests wants you establish you garrison than go to Val'Sharah in legion and do all the quests there followed by ending in High Mountain.
So got to 59 with a full EK, Kalimdor flight capable areas and outlands. Considering how many areas there are for exploration you can get to 80 just on that it would seem.
I just used my free 70 boost lol
I did none of these things, just turned on Legion chromie time and went to questing, took me like 7 hours to get to 70 lol.
Unlocking the currency for the potion will literally take longer than to get to 70 lol
I don't get why this needs to be 15 mins long. Can't you tell us in like 3 mins ?
vanilla and wrath dungeons also have quests in them
I have a question.
What's with all the speed levelling nowadays?
Why not just enjoy it and chill?
Oooo ooooo gotta be max in 2.4seconds or I might die 😂😂😂
I love seeing different guides as to how people suggest levelling tracks but just don't understand the need to max out as fast as possible and then (possibly allegedly) butch there's nothing to do and the game is dead.
(Not that Dal says that but it's definitely a community thing)
lack of healers in TBC dungeon farming is a huge slow down.
man boosting is just like 200k to 70 i'd rather do that.
Yes on questing, took me just shy of 11 hours. I add quite a bit of LFG so I hit 70 half way through the plains zone. Full heirlooms…
Im pretty sure buying a lvl boost from the store is still faster
just go to Dragonisle and kill elite with the new buff you cant die and 2 elite gives the same exp as 1 quest. At level 28 you can do the Brackenhide Elites just pull 30 together and you get 1 lvl
I wish you would annunciate your words, half of the time it sounds like you're eating the words and not saying them..
Doing the Mourning Rise questline was very touching and I'm not into lore or stories. Reading comments on Wowhead turned on the waterworks and I don't cry.
So many Earthens at their start point, can not wait to see a lot more at 80.
buy boost NOTED KEK
Why TBC timeline when questing? If you do current you get xp for killing rares. And they give quite alot
Mom: we have Harldan at home
@dalarangaming Thanks a lot for this alternative leveling that includes WM ON!