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Complete History of World of Warcraft
This video will summarize world of warcraft aka wow from it’s inception to current day, highlighting its humble beginnings to its dramatic rise and unfortunate fall from grace. Plagued by greed and lack of care for the player experience, this vid will explain the rise and fall of blizzard and the rise and fall of the MMORPG World of Warcraft in 2023
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(Video inspired by bill wurtz and sunnyV2)
Music Credits
Russian Dance – Tchaikovsky Nutcracker Suite [COPYRIGHT FREE]
Winter – Vivaldi [COPYRIGHT FREE]
Also Sprach Zarathustra – Strauss [COPYRIGHT FREE]
Credit – Lud and Schlatts Musical Emporium
Exclusive Track ~ Echoes of the Past – World of Warcraft [music]
Exclusive Track ~ Legacy – World of Warcraft [music]
Exclusive Track ~ The Shaping of the World – World of Warcraft [music]
Main Title ~ Legends of Azeroth – World of Warcraft [music]
Tavern – World of Warcraft [music]
Mists of Pandaria The Wandering Isle (Soundtrack)
Music of Cataclysm – The Shattering [Login Screen]
WoW WotLK – Arthas, My Son (Soundtrack)
C418 – Danny – Minecraft Volume Alpha
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Topics: world of warcraft gameplay, best mmorpg 2023 , top mmo 2022, world of warcraft 2023
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Good vid! Shadowlands released on Nov 23 2020 not 2022 though.
In my opinion bfa>shadowlands, at least pvp wise
EverQuest had a subscription 5 years before WoW….
FFS another shadowland release..
I didn't play the entirety of BFA, I joined in during the last phase of it so I missed a large portion of the expansion. I did however play all of Shadowlands, and honestly I enjoyed what I played of BFA more.
I hate when people who weren't around them start talking about Pandaria. It's because EVERYONE is missing the mark. Pandaria was an AMAZING expansion. Before Legion, it was the best. Wotlk is overrated IMHO.
However 2012 was a great year for video games. There were a lot of games that looked so much better than wow. During Pandaria, wow added some great dev tools for building 3d-looking 2d meshes and had an amazing look for rocks covered in snow, intdroduce higher foliage density and better patterns of ground texture so it looked decently from afar also. And some changes to game design, introducing the rares that we are familiar with today. It was the only expansion that TRULLY rewarded exploration. This was before wow token and gold hiper inflation. People were dirt poor. But explore pandaria and you'd get hundred gold trash items!
But it was an old game, with clunky mechanics and shit looks. The competition looked CONSIDERABLY more attractive. A bunch of new mmos coming out. A bunch of great games. 2012 was the start of "LiVe SeRvIcE 'games' ".
Many people left wow because there were just so many new things on the market. Not because Pandaria sucked.
Bad vid. Cause So many little wrong informations
It still to this day cracks me up when you have the addicts screaming and crying about quitting, and trying to convince everyone else to do the same. I'm sorry your lack of self control caused you to lose so much in your life, it was nvr my problem. And I played off and on for 11 years, even went to the midnight launch of WotLK.
Imo I thought pandaria was inspired by the brewmaster from the wc3 extra level
Legion: layered borrowed systems of power that were based on RNG acquisition (at the start). Endless grinds for more power.
Blizzard: Yeah, that was a mistake, we've learned and we'll do better.
BfA: layered borrowed systems of power that were based on RNG. Endless grins for more power.
Blizzard: Yeah, that was a mistake, we've learned and we'll do better.
Shadowlands: layered borrowed systems of power that you got locked into. Endless grinds for more power.
Blizzard: Yeah, that was a mistake, we've learned and we'll do better.
Dragonflight: appears to be more of the same issues with modifiers.
To top it all off the storylines are just a convoluted mess. Gearing is messy, has unnecessary weird grinds attached to 'level up your gear'. Class balancing is has been an absolute nightmare, this is going to be much more of an issue within Dragonflight. The QoL things in retail are really good, like some amazing ideas but QoL only goes so far. Another example of just weird decisions Blizzard made – nerf'ing/changing heirloom gear. Why? This doesn't make me want to go and level characters. Being POWERFUL in the world is FUN.
Bro, I absolutely love your content👍