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In this video I discuss why I stopped playing World of Warcraft and all other MMO’s. They are fun I just don’t have the time that’s basically what the whole video is about.
#wow #worldofwarcraft #mmorpg #mmo
Never played WOW but always wanted to. I guess I won’t now
Yeah, I totally agree with you. When I was a teenager, I had a lot of free time to spend on WoW. But now I'm in early 30s and MMOs aren't compatible with a life a typical adult. Raiding dungeons requires playing till midnight, and afterwards sleep does not come easily. And then you yawn at your office pc looking at the code and thinking about dk tank multiple mobs tanking rotation or daily quests, or resource farming. Also, my GF does consider playtime as digital cheating.
So I had to quit, and I don't regret. I just feel nostalgic sometimes. But then I remember the mmo grind.
Wanting to play and playing other games is good for you. Back near Dragon Soul in Cataclysm was when I dipped from WoW, it was also where I dipped my whole ass knees into other MMO's instead of just my toes or feet like I had been doing. Granted I got dragged back into it by a friend when Shadowlands came out, played through Dragonflight, didn't really enjoy either of those expansions so I didn't buy the new one. After playing so many other games and MMO's I can't not see where the short comings in WoW are anymore. It still baffles me that there are people who have only played WoW for 20 years….I can't even imagine how much their minds would explode if they tried something else. Good vid.
i get it dude, I have played for years and I feel like that
If you want to play an MMO and do not want to re-gear each expansion, try Guild Wars 2
Linear progression there makes it feel like you can walk away and it wont affect you much
You sound like a casual gamer which is fine, but haven't you ever wanted to ever be good at anything, really truly good at anything, in games or in real life? When you drive are you honestly the best driver, the best cook, the best player? This is such a depressing video, just giving up but playing. Mediocrity.
I get it man. Played way back when wow was all that, fell off during BC. Got pulled back in both in 2019 classic and latest SoD. Now they’re gonna start again with the classic reset, but I just don’t feel it. It gets to feel like work, and as an adult and father, I simply don’t wanna be bothered with it, at the end of the day. Gaming is supposed to be leisure time.
totally agree with you! I play WoW since 2008, my husband got me hooked. with every expansion you basically start from scratch and that is really annoying! Fortunately i am able to take breaks every other year or so. Too bad Pandaria did not speak to you, it is my all time favorite expansion, i just love the vibe, the music, the farm, the pandas, but its probably too cutsy for guys. Legion is also awesome but since that no expansion has really been as enjoyable as the two aforementioned. and basically its always the same, just new factions to grind reputation with. and whats with all these currencies??? thats really getting out of hand! alas i am still hooked, just not as much as i used to fortunately :-). Witcher 3 FTW!
Rarely have I seen someone summarise what's great and what sucks about WoW as you. I hope Asmongold sees this and reacts to it!
This video pretty much sums up how I feel about it too. Honestly I think it's just more of an online game issue in general. WoW is designed to keep people hooked and suck your time up as much as possible. No matter how much we enjoy the game and it's world, no matter how much gear we get, progress we make, gold we make, etc…. the train just keeps on moving. You're essentially a hamster on a wheel, it's a very routine kind of game. Some people enjoy that kind of thing, but for others like myself it does start to get to you after a while and burns you out. I start fantasizing about playing other games or just doing other stuff in general but feel like I can't because of the marriage to WoW and then you start to realize that it's a trap lol. I think they have been doing a better job with The War Within, specifically for people who like to play alone, but regardless of that the issue still remains because it's an MMO. So then we take a break, we come back then realize we gotta' put all that work in again and it's pretty discouraging lol. But I think that's the nature of a lot of online games these days. It sucks.
This is how I feel with a lot of the games, especially multiplayer, coming out these days. Online it's always about the latest thing or the newest multiplayer craze! Sometimes they almost feel like second jobs and I found myself pausing to reassess if I was actually having fun or just doing it to do it. I used to chase it before, but now I'm of a similar mindset to you, I'd rather just sit down, play a game on my own time that I enjoy and have fun. I do play Final fantasy 14 though, which is an MMO, but it's very respectful or your time and kind of a single player story with social aspects in an MMO wrapping.
Greetings and respect most esteemed Caesar, I quit WoW December 2006 because of all the hard work. I killed 75,000 Horde in 1 year and decided that I rather be a pacifist, so I became a writer. In 2016 did I do WoW free to play, now I am too old and my computer is too old. Regards, Alex.
FFXIV is built for players taking breaks but I certainly understand the time constraint concerns in general.
Loved the vid bro! keep up the good work my boi🖤
I respect the video and the YouTube grind bro! Keep killing it 👊🏽🙏🏽
Well if are you gonna play another games your free time then what's the difference? Play wow or what you like the most . Still you work play sleep and repeat. The thing is to play what you like. For me I can't play single player game cause I like to talk to people and make friends.
Dang bro I thought I was the only one who felt like this I recently picked up dead island 2 and I figured single player games are the way to go now. Bring 32 years old a nurse wife and kids I can’t want to do the grind back in my early wow days
stay out
Play gw2. It's such an innovative MMO that does things differently. As an OG MMO enjoyer I think you'll find their systems refreshing. It really, really respects your time too
lol AFN commercials were so cheesy
I'm full bis raidlogging, I gues I stopped playing too xD
I did take a long break from PC MMOs too. Mostly been Xbox gaming. But there are some games I am wanting to relearn on pc.
Same. i wanna be lost in a fantasy world not have to geek out to learn a min max rotation to run the same dungeons over and over for 3 months until a new patch comes out and invalidates all my work
30+ years old = single player games.
Thats what I do, you buy once, you pause when you like, you install mods, you insert cheats if you want 🙂
I feel you man I quit too for many years but wow classic is where it's at
If you want an authentic experience play wow classic.. 20th anniversary servers dropping November 21st everyone starts at level 1. It'll be a great experience.
"FOMO" is huge aspect and its getting exhausting, Vanilla timewalking has been very refreshing to me maybe I will play new classic WoW with dual spec. Retail WoW turned into never ending grind every 4-5 months you reset and start over which is way too soon. We have cross realm and almost cross faction qeueing, we could have that old expansion design where you get all tiers of raid at the beginning and slowly progress through them (it was bad due to separation of players on their old small realms but thats no longer an issue) which would feel more meaningful.
Susan, you don’t need to announce when you’re leaving the airport.
Nice video man, I’m currently serving as a medic, 14 years, counting down the days until I retire. How’s the civilian life?
divorcing your wife because of a video game marriage is BASED,it proly had gameplay beneits lol
Enjoyed the video 🙂 have a great day, thanks for your service
dude you should try stalker 2!
Really hard core pvper here, Played since wod, Game just feels like slop today, the class desgin is really unbalnced right now, Acuttly keeping up with content is like a full time job. Just feels like slop. Im multi r1 xp in 3v3 and 2v2. Grand marshal. Got multiple mythic raid kills 3k rated in mythic plus. Just keeping this grind up is crazy and feels really hollow. I get the same enjoyment i used to get in the gym. doing martial arts and going to church. But wow just feels souless. Alot of my friends quit, Their was one guy that we would que arena from waking up to falling asleep lol. But most quit and finding new people is very hard now. Im not a casual gamer by any means but whats the point at being sick at the game if u cannot carry your bois.
First, thank you for your service! Secondly I feel you on that feeling you got watching the BC trailer with Illidan 😂 so hyped.
But couldn't agree more. I love WOW but it's not a game that I can play casually so I've had to stop playing it all together so I can live the rest of my life.
Also I was a warlock too lol #LockGang
I could have made this video myself about 3 times…
I played wow really hardcore back in MoP and WoD but legion came, full time job, lost interest in the game as progression was solely based on raiding and the new mythic+ system. I quit early legion and came back for DF, now the feeling of the game has changed so much, you can feel powerful and progress in the game as a solo player, yes the catchup mechanics helps a lot but I love the new pace of the game as a solo player, doing things that are more of a cozy vibe, like collecting pets mounts achievements and such, no pressure from raiding and grinding endlessly for all to be obsolete in a few weeks as seasons progress, I like that wow has now a suitable side of the game for casual solo play 🙂
Damn the algorithm actually did something for once. I agree with pretty much everything you said. My biggest gripe with WoW is how it seems like every season there’s always a flavor of the month class or spec that if you aren’t playing you kind of get soft locked out of groups.
Which makes the vertical progression even harder. Especially for us “older” guys who the only way we can commit the time is make WoW a second job. Now I do like how GW2 does progression. Every piece of content is relevant and viable due to the horizontal progression. My only problem is I never could get attached to a class and the art style isn’t really my thing. IMO stylized graphics look better and hold up longer than realistic.
Anyways long post done. Earned a sub.
WoW is turning into being all about cosmetics and microtransactions, which is what I've seen happen to ESO when Microsoft bought them out. I love the cosmetics and all, but I'm getting pretty tired of chasing after them. Every day feels like it's all about keeping up with the Jones'. Collect all the things while everyone else is or have a harder time collecting those things later. And when it comes down to it, no one cares that you collected anything. They're in it for themselves. The hardest part (for me) has been trying to pull myself away from the game. I can skip out for a few days, end my sub, go play something else, but I always come back. There's always something about the game that I miss. Like with FFXIV, I can't stand having to wait for 3 seconds to hit a button. When there's an "oh shit" moment and I need to heal someone NOW I can't do it because of some stupid mechanic that makes you wait 3 seconds to cast the next spell. But the biggest thing for me is what you said, "I have a life." I've no-lifed it since WoD and it's kept me down the whole time. Now that I finally want to get out of it, doing life things that actually matter feels so foreign to me that it makes it even more tempting to go back to my comfort zone and play wow all day again. It's been a slow process, but I'll get there.
Hooah. So many of my Army buddies played TBC. We were out at Ft Irwin and there was nothing to do but play games. My wife played Vanilla while I was deployed and got me into WoW then right before TBC came out half my company was playing. We were all pretty much done towards the end of WotLK. Maybe see you in AOC in 5 years lol. I’ve played a lot of classic since 2019. TBC and vanilla will always be the best version. It’s hard to play MMO’s with kids around.
Wow is in the best state it's been at in years