Last week we had this guy "Oh my god this class!" when he destroyed someone on his hunter, he doesn't seem to mind how the game is balanced out when it's in his favor.
Wasn't the reason they put so many abilities back on the GCD was so we wouldn't have stuff like this happening? And now it's even worse than it used to be?
i just lovo how the majority of the clips is from 2400+ games, and when u complaing about the game, there is always a stupid person to say thas is your fault that u died in one shot and didnt used defensives.
Rogues are top 1 spec in pvp every spec and will never get fixed cus you all keep complaining about monks the worst class ever, learn how to use defensive cds you noobs.
I played holy pala at 2400+ all the way up monks were disgusting I got one shot with 60% damage reduction all my defensives up there’s no balance to wow in general atm glad I’m on bdo
Like warlocks can one shot, monks can one shot, rets, wars, mm hunters thru walls, ele, convoke like everything in this game can just one shot it’s insane.
So many games lost and won anywhere from low mmr to high mmr due to just an insane one shot coming out of nowhere.
I was on 2v2 yesterday with my brother. Arena begins against 2 monks. They killed both of us right away. Fucking nice balanced game. WoW pvp became like FPS headshots.
69k damage with 1 spells seems very balanced
You think this is nuts. But when early wotlk I remember well getting stunned by a S5 Ret paladin and getting my full hp down in 3 – 5 seconds.
Last week we had this guy "Oh my god this class!" when he destroyed someone on his hunter, he doesn't seem to mind how the game is balanced out when it's in his favor.
Wasn't the reason they put so many abilities back on the GCD was so we wouldn't have stuff like this happening? And now it's even worse than it used to be?
Should've just lined it
Last time I did arena was in WoD, I see there is no point in coming back to the game now
i haven't seen the video yet but im sur there will be some moonk oneshoting
Fist clip is pure luck you cant do that every game+he had trinket to roll roll dragon freedom or just karma.
Blizzard just nerf monks.. its pretty stupid how OP they are
i just lovo how the majority of the clips is from 2400+ games, and when u complaing about the game, there is always a stupid person to say thas is your fault that u died in one shot and didnt used defensives.
I cant understand why arent you all moving to tbc pvp. Literally not comparable even
poor wow it became so trash, its a living meme omegalul
Skill issue
100% perfect balance here nothing to see everything is fine.
World of Walkercraft
and biggest mistake of warrior, ever going out of defstance vs 2 casters
Rogues are top 1 spec in pvp every spec and will never get fixed cus you all keep complaining about monks the worst class ever, learn how to use defensive cds you noobs.
I played holy pala at 2400+ all the way up monks were disgusting I got one shot with 60% damage reduction all my defensives up there’s no balance to wow in general atm glad I’m on bdo
Oops! All monk clips
rofl Fuseton on his ww actually wins that 2v2 in the 2v3 Lontar clip. 1 shots their WW and then about 2 minutes later 1 shots the mage. such garbage…
Its actually so funny that in the trille clip, it was a DR legsweep .. the kill happened in under 2 seconds INCLUDING two global cooldowns.
why is anyone even playing this garbage… fuck
Excuse me, did i just see a 69k crit LMAO
nerf rogues!
Frankly it's a skill issue
Spinning crane kick is being buffed next patch LOL
Whaaz is a cool guy.
Rolling the FOTM broken class getting one shoted by the opponent who rerolled to the same broken class and then cry about it?
Just use defensives right monkaS Oh wait they still kill you through all your cds. Blizzard how hard is it to fix monks man like………..
It’s crazy how it’s not just one class too.
Like warlocks can one shot, monks can one shot, rets, wars, mm hunters thru walls, ele, convoke like everything in this game can just one shot it’s insane.
So many games lost and won anywhere from low mmr to high mmr due to just an insane one shot coming out of nowhere.
I was on 2v2 yesterday with my brother. Arena begins against 2 monks. They killed both of us right away. Fucking nice balanced game. WoW pvp became like FPS headshots.