The tank does a big pull and instantly gets killed #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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37 thoughts on “The tank does a big pull and instantly gets killed #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. I had a tank pull way too much, I spent every bit of mana saving his butt.
    Relief washed over me once it was over, As I went to drink to regain some mana, guess who decided that was the perfect time to pull more mobs 🙄
    We all died. Tank blamed me.

  2. Its even better when i pull what i know I'm capable of handling and the healer goes off half-cocked and pulls 3 more groups and we die then blames me. Like, yeah that's why i pulled what i pulled. I know what i can handle, and i know the mobs. And guess what, the extras you pulled all have a mob/s that stun so we all got chain stunned into oblivion. That's on you buddy

  3. I’ve been a healer main for most of my WoW life and for the first time ever I got kicked for this because the tank and his dps buddy thought they could pull half the dungeon mobs. Even though I healed my ass off and we killed the mobs, only me and one dps survived. After I rezd them they kicked me 🙃

  4. Tanked almost every expansion and while I love the new meta it really encourages bad players to try and pick up the role and act like the people they see doing these pulls before.

    They have a dungeon with an awesome tank who can grab aggro til mobs die, mass cc, kite and pick up a whole dungeon to aoe/kite down and never lose aggro on a single thing and try to copy it not knowing all the little details in between beyond “run and gun”.

    As an evoker/priest healer I’ll gladly pull the tank backwards and tell them to slow down if they get too feisty for their britches😂.


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