my 2 favs are the brewmaster monks who do not stagger their damage in any way, or the guardian bears who do not use iron fur or any mitigation or DR – oh nooooooooo, how did that happen???
Me a blood DK, pulling an entire dungeon and self healing through it, only for the healer to complain they can't keep up. So I promptly kill the final boss, say "get good" and leave
I had a tank pull way too much, I spent every bit of mana saving his butt. Relief washed over me once it was over, As I went to drink to regain some mana, guess who decided that was the perfect time to pull more mobs 🙄 We all died. Tank blamed me.
Its even better when i pull what i know I'm capable of handling and the healer goes off half-cocked and pulls 3 more groups and we die then blames me. Like, yeah that's why i pulled what i pulled. I know what i can handle, and i know the mobs. And guess what, the extras you pulled all have a mob/s that stun so we all got chain stunned into oblivion. That's on you buddy
I’ve been a healer main for most of my WoW life and for the first time ever I got kicked for this because the tank and his dps buddy thought they could pull half the dungeon mobs. Even though I healed my ass off and we killed the mobs, only me and one dps survived. After I rezd them they kicked me 🙃
Tanked almost every expansion and while I love the new meta it really encourages bad players to try and pick up the role and act like the people they see doing these pulls before.
They have a dungeon with an awesome tank who can grab aggro til mobs die, mass cc, kite and pick up a whole dungeon to aoe/kite down and never lose aggro on a single thing and try to copy it not knowing all the little details in between beyond “run and gun”.
As an evoker/priest healer I’ll gladly pull the tank backwards and tell them to slow down if they get too feisty for their britches😂.
When you are tanking and the healer stands in mechanics….dies and anks…dies again to same shit gets a rez from me…dies again in the same mechanic….oh noooo how terrible.
*Sips tea. "Well I never"
Oh good, time to drink lol
I'll be fair. The lvl 18 druid tank warned me he would be a bad tank. I still had to drop after the second wipe before the first boss.
ROFL!!!! As a healer main for 20 years…… ROFL!!!!!
Tanks saving defensives for next key. We need to respect that as a healer 😂
I've always wondered what makes tanks think they are stronger then what they actually are. Me as a healer I see some tanks do some really stupid shit.
Lol ❤
lol standing in damage the whole time
my 2 favs are the brewmaster monks who do not stagger their damage in any way, or the guardian bears who do not use iron fur or any mitigation or DR – oh nooooooooo, how did that happen???
Oh nuuu!!!🤣🤣🤣👍🏽
My reaction when the dh tank thinks he's hot shit and dies in two hits.
Me a blood DK, pulling an entire dungeon and self healing through it, only for the healer to complain they can't keep up. So I promptly kill the final boss, say "get good" and leave
DK with bone shield down normally lol
Blood dk pulling packs getting hit for 75%
Heroic leap and charge is the killer of many a tanks who get 2 miles ahead of the ambulance dps and heelz
Kite kite and kite some more
I had a tank pull way too much, I spent every bit of mana saving his butt.
Relief washed over me once it was over, As I went to drink to regain some mana, guess who decided that was the perfect time to pull more mobs 🙄
We all died. Tank blamed me.
Love Dankula….druids should be able to turn into black pugs who are white supremacist.
Bulldozing?? ☠️😂☠️
Good Tanks dont Need heal!
Run out of heal range, hog objects so not in line of sight, proceeds to literally get two-shot by the pack he pulled, blame healer, profit
Its even better when i pull what i know I'm capable of handling and the healer goes off half-cocked and pulls 3 more groups and we die then blames me. Like, yeah that's why i pulled what i pulled. I know what i can handle, and i know the mobs. And guess what, the extras you pulled all have a mob/s that stun so we all got chain stunned into oblivion. That's on you buddy
I’ve been a healer main for most of my WoW life and for the first time ever I got kicked for this because the tank and his dps buddy thought they could pull half the dungeon mobs. Even though I healed my ass off and we killed the mobs, only me and one dps survived. After I rezd them they kicked me 🙃
As the MT healer for my raid group since TBC I feel this!! Hahaahah!
ah pero no te curas solo
Tanked almost every expansion and while I love the new meta it really encourages bad players to try and pick up the role and act like the people they see doing these pulls before.
They have a dungeon with an awesome tank who can grab aggro til mobs die, mass cc, kite and pick up a whole dungeon to aoe/kite down and never lose aggro on a single thing and try to copy it not knowing all the little details in between beyond “run and gun”.
As an evoker/priest healer I’ll gladly pull the tank backwards and tell them to slow down if they get too feisty for their britches😂.
If the tank can't be bothered to watch my mana, why should I bother watching the tanks health?
laughs in dk/dh 😂
dks with no runepower
Does Ol mate know about this? XD
Absolutely brill
Yeah had that with a pally tank in the brewery with the hallway trash he just went ahead solo and he died and rage quit
Had a Boralus 8 with a tank that instantly died twice to packs before we even got to first boss, said "oopsie", and left. The mind boggles.
When you are tanking and the healer stands in mechanics….dies and anks…dies again to same shit gets a rez from me…dies again in the same mechanic….oh noooo how terrible.