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I can’t believe I had fun in wow by playing in an event where they just black out your screen.
I made a guild!
[JFK Was Convoked]: If you want to raid with people with a cumulative iq of 6 then this guild is for you. Located on Zul’jin (NA, 10/10H) we are recruiting everyone to build up a social and friendly environment while also looking for competent and capable players to raid/grind keys with (all roles welcome.) We’re a chill guild looking to build a social environment so as long as you are not a d*ck or harass people, you’ll fit in. Raid Times: SAT/SUN 8PM-11PM EST.
Darkness Anima power was soooo juciy as a dh as spectral sight just gives you normal vision
Did layer 8 in like 6 or 7mins
The goblin glider part was the best hahahah
His Group is the sole Reason i purchased Gametime again…oh boi
Wanna have that much fun too
That ion head is gonna haunt me everytime i get near toegasht
Strongest anima build for killing ur team in Torghast.
Can't wait for this event to be up again to troll my friends 😂
a fellow skaven fan…brother!?
So, let me see if I have this right.
Krucial And Niall+The turn off your monitor event = absolute chaos.
This is why I don't do Torgast, and if I do I go alone.
Video with Nial = best video
What server are you guys on
This is why I love Torghast!
When can you makke a new lore vidoe
I don't understand why Niall sounds so surprised when you kill him. At this point he should be surprised when you let him live 😁
peak C O N T E N T
I can’t believe we had fun with an event that turns off your monitor
That is true. Vulperas are the true darkness.
Your videos are the funniest. Great job man. Keep it up and thanks
Famous last words "this one is easy"
i love your vids! wish i had friends to do the same XD
Editing and meme levels of this video are, well, epic.
Also, Nial is prophetic -@ 5:31 and then Justin @ 7:25
This event was dope honestly. I had a really great time with it.
Can we get more of this.This is the Shadowland's content i wanted xD
Eyyyy that Jet Set Radio music. Nice.
If torghast had more events it could actually be kind of fun
How does Blizz think of these amazing events!
Justin ain't gonna be in rush hour 3
Lord Skrolk, Yes-Yes!
First time 2 of us used the uncontrollable one and we had one guide with us. Needless to say our guide forgot to tell me I am standing on an edge and proceeded to ask me why I ran off the edge to my death 😀
You can get venari power to skip chains
Or don't use it to keep us entertained ;>
drunk, but still fun