The ULTIMATE War Within Mining & Herbalism Guide | World of Warcraft Gold Farming

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little beginner guide for the dual gathering wannabes. may make a more advanced guide going over the substats and nuances but i decided i could make two videos for the price of one lmao.
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11 thoughts on “The ULTIMATE War Within Mining & Herbalism Guide | World of Warcraft Gold Farming”

  1. The best remedy for any sickness is real vitamin C (NOT ascorbic acid/man made BS) google best sources of vit C, lemons, limes, cantaloupe, etc… high amounts of real C is SUPER powerful and it will run anything off!!!

  2. This is kinda unrelated but I got my fishing up to 300 khaz algar and made about 50k gold in a couple hours by fishing at the darkmoon faire. Nice supplement to herb/mining when you can just grab those juicer pools when you happen to see them and have a high chance for rare spawns


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