“Wielder of Elu-“ and then she goes around tossing starlight at people…the Stomewright is tied to Elune???? How? She…she was created by Denathrius as one of the original Venthyr, she never had a mortal life, how is she connected to Elune?!
As someone whos only followed the story from warcraft 3 to bfa im really confused to how these characters which were slain in warcraft 3, are still alive.
Im really lost at where the lore is going. So if malganis is alive, i assume arthas is aswell and in that case mannorath and ner zhul should probobly also be in the expansion?
Maw-Walker: How many schemes and plots are you guys behind?! Mal’ganis: Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend… Maw-Walker: NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
again Mal'Ganis and i love you vidéos Mal'Ganis: "You hear the voice of the Dark Lord. He whispers to you through the blade you wield… What does he say, young human? What does the Dark Lord of the Dead tell you now?"
They take too many liberties with the plot. The plot is whatever will sell copies but not in a good way, it centers around featuring characters that they know people are interested in, continuity or making sense be damned.
The jailer is conceptually very cool. He mastered the magic that chained him, he wants to get out by any means. His vast army consists of tortured souls he twisted and tortured into armor to do his bidding. His way of getting out is getting incredibly sinister armor outside of his prison.
But oh wait, nothing escapes the maw so we need some asspull that involves the lich king because that's the most popular story line we ever made and people want more of it. Let's just retcon the dreadlords to twist another expansion into existence, then we can have all of those cool features, popular characters and concepts we thought of. Sure we could come up with something better but coming up with a good story takes years and who has that kind of time when the release schedule is about 2 years.
Up next, the jailer might actually win, they are setting up some sort of unexpected twist, shock everyone, get the articles going, build tension and focus outside attention, setting up suspense for our next release. Some sort of intergalatic war is coming between the 6 forces, followed by some Xel'naga bs that will have the winterqueen help Tyrande by bringing her to her sister while the light is getting more sinister and fanatical, life is as of yet not explored very much and it will be what stops the jailer. Next expansion pack themes: life, Elune, light. The dark plot thickens yet again but turns out it is really rather trivial and with little to no consequence, oh well, another expansion. Hey remember Anduin? How he struggles with light and void and then got mc'd by the jailer? Yeah he went nuts, he now agrees with Sargeras, Turalion turns scarlet crusade tier, his wife goes mad, driven paranoid by the void, their son Arathor turns out to be the child of light and shadow prophesied long ago, he is an adult now. Ya boy Sargeras will be freed, Illidan will make yet another come back and act like a smug knowitall another expansion, the world soul of Azeroth will be born at some point giving us a reason why the planet will not be destroyed, we will go to Ethereal world, kill some void shit and scifi themed, outland like stuff. Turns out the world soul was merely pretending to be alright and Sargeras was right, too bad because Sargeras is going to get owned for once but he survives and you are coming with him to come up with a plan to stop the void and the world soul from completely messing up the universe. You can now save Titan power all expansion and pick Titan abilities, there are 6 Titans to choose from all with reps and abilities, it will be great. You can progress down the path of your titansoul to gain titanic(red) items and abilities. How wonderful.
Argh! Hopefully we see the other major dreadlords we didn’t kill in The twisting nether like balnazzar and varimathras. Like tichondrius, mephistroth, detheroc, And even lothraxion, who we need to keep an eye on now that we know all dreadlords are not to be trusted.
I stoped playing WoW and now im waiting for Scars of Honor due how blizzard was so fucking unjust with the voice actor of Kaelthas. Imagine being harassed by a stalker who accuse you of rape, be proven innocent in a court and get cancelled anyway.
i get the feeling that Denathrius was never on board with the jailer's plans and he only support the jailer because he had other plans in mind. in truth i think the Jailer knew and that is why he pretty much ignored Denathrius defeat.
"The betrayer lives?" poor Kaelthas, the news must be a great shock to him.
“Wielder of Elu-“ and then she goes around tossing starlight at people…the Stomewright is tied to Elune???? How? She…she was created by Denathrius as one of the original Venthyr, she never had a mortal life, how is she connected to Elune?!
Почему метаморфоза другая как такую же сделать ?
Hard for me to do the PTR because my toon keeps freezing. I am assuming that the internet connection is responsible because mine sucks.
"Well… that sucked."
As someone whos only followed the story from warcraft 3 to bfa im really confused to how these characters which were slain in warcraft 3, are still alive.
Im really lost at where the lore is going. So if malganis is alive, i assume arthas is aswell and in that case mannorath and ner zhul should probobly also be in the expansion?
Somehow I'm starting to feel the end of Warcraft.
Shadowlands 9.1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAAoYocWTwC–DZqtxlIclAaEqCA-ygdW
Garrosh Hellscream in the new raid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukGXUPGsgvY
Sylvanas and Bolvar Intro: https://youtu.be/kHv2FJ7-uRg
dreadlords: making the spy-ception since god-knows-when
wows storytelling is just horrendous, the most improtant lore characters and i couldnt care less
Maw-Walker: How many schemes and plots are you guys behind?!
Mal’ganis: Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend…
Maw-Walker: NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Denathrius: for once, shut the fk up!
None of us is gonna stop advocating for the animated WoW series, and it’s good to see Kael and Vashj working together again.
again Mal'Ganis and i love you vidéos
Mal'Ganis: "You hear the voice of the Dark Lord. He whispers to you through the blade you wield… What does he say, young human? What does the Dark Lord of the Dead tell you now?"
Isnt Mal'Ganis the asshole who tricked Arthas?
Kaelthas voice actor was proven innocent in court and he was still cancelled.
Couple years ago i said " BLAME DREADLORDS FOR EVERYTHING!" … now i'm very happy
Is this for Venthyr only?
They take too many liberties with the plot.
The plot is whatever will sell copies but not in a good way, it centers around featuring characters that they know people are interested in, continuity or making sense be damned.
The jailer is conceptually very cool.
He mastered the magic that chained him, he wants to get out by any means. His vast army consists of tortured souls he twisted and tortured into armor to do his bidding. His way of getting out is getting incredibly sinister armor outside of his prison.
But oh wait, nothing escapes the maw so we need some asspull that involves the lich king because that's the most popular story line we ever made and people want more of it.
Let's just retcon the dreadlords to twist another expansion into existence, then we can have all of those cool features, popular characters and concepts we thought of. Sure we could come up with something better but coming up with a good story takes years and who has that kind of time when the release schedule is about 2 years.
Up next, the jailer might actually win, they are setting up some sort of unexpected twist, shock everyone, get the articles going, build tension and focus outside attention, setting up suspense for our next release. Some sort of intergalatic war is coming between the 6 forces, followed by some Xel'naga bs that will have the winterqueen help Tyrande by bringing her to her sister while the light is getting more sinister and fanatical, life is as of yet not explored very much and it will be what stops the jailer. Next expansion pack themes: life, Elune, light. The dark plot thickens yet again but turns out it is really rather trivial and with little to no consequence, oh well, another expansion. Hey remember Anduin? How he struggles with light and void and then got mc'd by the jailer? Yeah he went nuts, he now agrees with Sargeras, Turalion turns scarlet crusade tier, his wife goes mad, driven paranoid by the void, their son Arathor turns out to be the child of light and shadow prophesied long ago, he is an adult now. Ya boy Sargeras will be freed, Illidan will make yet another come back and act like a smug knowitall another expansion, the world soul of Azeroth will be born at some point giving us a reason why the planet will not be destroyed, we will go to Ethereal world, kill some void shit and scifi themed, outland like stuff. Turns out the world soul was merely pretending to be alright and Sargeras was right, too bad because Sargeras is going to get owned for once but he survives and you are coming with him to come up with a plan to stop the void and the world soul from completely messing up the universe. You can now save Titan power all expansion and pick Titan abilities, there are 6 Titans to choose from all with reps and abilities, it will be great. You can progress down the path of your titansoul to gain titanic(red) items and abilities. How wonderful.
Argh! Hopefully we see the other major dreadlords we didn’t kill in The twisting nether like balnazzar and varimathras.
Like tichondrius, mephistroth, detheroc,
And even lothraxion, who we need to keep an eye on now that we know all dreadlords are not to be trusted.
Maybe the Stonewright was a Night warrior?
The Naaru: "Well… that sucked"
the wow became soo boring it brings my eyes to tears when i look at the fight with malganis its az if it was made for disable people soo lame
Ah malganis, ever the villain revealing his plans and whatnot like a stereotype
Is this in the game? I Don't any quest only fucking diaries
I stoped playing WoW and now im waiting for Scars of Honor due how blizzard was so fucking unjust with the voice actor of Kaelthas.
Imagine being harassed by a stalker who accuse you of rape, be proven innocent in a court and get cancelled anyway.
Blizzard dont deserve my money
wait till illidan find out abaut it xd
if denathrius is this almighty 5head immortal being revered by the dreadlords, how come he got defeated so easily by us in castle nathria?
Retcons, retcons everywhere.
Shadowlands has an appeal of a low-level fanfic…
booooooring…………. does anyone even care for this f shit?
i get the feeling that Denathrius was never on board with the jailer's plans and he only support the jailer because he had other plans in mind. in truth i think the Jailer knew and that is why he pretty much ignored Denathrius defeat.
Illidan, we need you again.