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The Iceberg image was created by u/paladinwat on reddit, shoutout to him for giving me something to waste 24 hours on.
Also shoutout to u/DotkasFlughoernchen whos comment on the post helped me whenever I got stuck.
0:00 –
1:06 –
9:58 –
19:33 –
32:28 –
41:40 –
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I gotta wonder if Corpse Explosion was turned into Bread Explosion in World of Breadcraft
Hi idk if I am too late for anyone to notice me, but I knew it! at 11:55 a few years ago, maybe 5 or so, I was flying west from booty bay and apparently I DC mid flight, so I kept flying and way far out beneath fatigue I saw an island on my minimap, there was no island on the surface of the water, maybe because it was removed or because it did not load. But it was on the mini map. I never found out what it was about. But thanks, now one of my mysteries of experiences in wow has been solved 😀 thx.
FFXIV MUSIC? Loved the vid
Does someone know the song that start at around 10 mins into the video. I have heard it before but can’t remember.
Your pauses in between your sentences are annoying. Your humor is also poorly done
Ayy sea aye aye art
whys your audio so damn quiet
I’m surprised that the storm wind children aren’t on here
I think the original Troll joke should have been in the iceberg!
38:00 ASCII is an acronym but you can just read it like a word – askee.
The camp fire 🔥 teleport is real I’ve done it before.
The end was EVERYTHING!
Great video! interesting ending…
Cool video but the background music is too loud makes it hard to watch/listen to
"wow rpg" – that sounds cool what is that?
you mean warcraft rpg i guess xD
@14:26 WKM = William Kenneth Max. its an homage to the father if the 3d artist Chad Max.
source: wowpedia
the cleaner shows up if some1s helping a priest during the anathema/benediction quest too
That ending sure was something!
I think I just died and went to heaven.
WKM is a old tribute room for another passed developer/creator