Theater of Pain +22 | Shadowlands Season 2 High M+ Tank Commentary (Guardian Druid PoV)

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Here I go through one of my Advanced S2 Tormented mythic+ routes for ToP, walking you through each pull, explaining how to handle them, and providing some potential variations you can make to the route depending on the affixes and what your group composition is. If you learned something be sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel for more content like it!

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6 thoughts on “Theater of Pain +22 | Shadowlands Season 2 High M+ Tank Commentary (Guardian Druid PoV)”

  1. Thoughts on making sathel get the shield quickly so you can start kicking her again while you focus dessiah and cleave her shield down fast, then focus dessiah over everything?

    I asked a 2.7k rio tank on who to focus first and he said that this is the fastest way.

  2. I always enjoy your routes and explanations. The first boss in TOP is my least favourite in all of Shadowlands. As a VDH, if I pug a key where the dps isn’t there or the mechanics aren’t spot on, I end up blowing all my defensives before the fight is over and the key is a wash. Disgusting with grievous or necrotic as well.

    I feel your pain (literally lol) on the lust responsibility as a tank. I hate it. If I end up in a comp without BL, I make a bunch of drums and give them to my buddy to make it happen so I don’t forget! We already have enough to worry about 😉


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