There’s nothing quite like seeing a WoW cinematic for the first time. October 17, 2023 by World of Warcraft Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ source
Deathwings cinematic was one of the best things I’ve ever seen put to animation, and you didn’t even put that in here Reply
Ah the good they pointing out the timeline how the old epic wow cinematics slowly devolved into tiktok shorts you guys putting out today Reply
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The Burning Crusade was the last great WoW cinematic because it showed actual player classes using abilities. Reply
We can always drop this game… But no one will questioned this- team, responsible for those movies, is talented professionals Reply
Yea, especially the last one, which is worse than Dragonflight. ResidentSleeper
They forgot just the BEST Cinematic of all time!!!! CATACLYSM!!!!
Wise decision to stop right before that simp made sylvanas the most powerful being on azeroth
Tyrande always so beautiful. And Illidan, Best charactera ever!
Burn it. BURN IT!! 🔥
Song name pleasee???
Mist of pandaria was really really pointless
Metzen is back and wow feels less cringy
Even though she is back, Ysera's death scene always makes me tear up.
Just make movies already.
And then you play the game and you are brought back to earth.
Dragonflight cinematic had me bored to tears tho. 😂
Me hearing the name Imaizumi: sweats profusely
Cinematic sells the game that you never will play
Where is Saurfang "for Azeroth" cry?
Anduin catching the light gives my goosebumps goosebumps!
Till this day.. goosebumps 🤩
Illidan Rejects The Gift is still my favorite cutscene from any game ever.
For the Alliance!!!
You are not repaired 😂
Deathwings cinematic was one of the best things I’ve ever seen put to animation, and you didn’t even put that in here
Even seeing this little partial clip of Ysera gets me.
They used to give me chills and Ysera made me cry.
Going back to warmane.
"There were*"
Ah the good they pointing out the timeline how the old epic wow cinematics slowly devolved into tiktok shorts you guys putting out today
1st time, 10th time, even the 1000th time
The Burning Crusade was the last great WoW cinematic because it showed actual player classes using abilities.
They just yeaaated cataclysm
We can always drop this game… But no one will questioned this- team, responsible for those movies, is talented professionals
Just start making tv shows about the lore using the in game cinematic graphics.
You are wrong. There WAS nothing.
Mommy and For the Horde ❤❤❤
Tfw when you remember how dirty they did Tirion Fordring
WotLK and WoD are still my favorite cinematics.
dragonflight where?
Only department I’m not constantly disappointed with.
Yet y'all never made any real film series. What the heck man.
Some of these aren't like the others