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Thank You for helping us reach 1000 subscribers! Here are some things I learned growing to 2100 as Demon Hunter and I hope it helps you grow to your RBG Goals too!
0:00 – Introduction
1:15 – Movement
4:10 – Macros
7:01 – Communication
11:05 – Positioning
13:25 – RBG is a Team Game
14:44 – Biggest Secret
19:55 – Thank You – Conclusion
Remember to subscribe if you enjoyed the video for more great content to come!
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➤➤ Streamlabs OBS Video Recorder and Stream Program
➤➤ One Click Infernal Strike:
/cast [mod:shift] Demonic Trample(PvP Talent);
/cast [mod:ctrl, @player][@cursor]Infernal Strike;
➤➤ One Click Mouseover Silence + more
/cast [mod:shift]Consume Magic; [mod:ctrl,@cursor] Sigil of Chains; [@cursor] Sigil of Silence;
➤➤ One Click Self AOE Fear
/cast [@player]Sigil of Misery
➤➤ One Click Mouseover Imprison
/cast [target=mouseover,harm] Imprison; Imprison
➤➤ One Click Metamorphosis
/cast [@cursor]Metamorphosis;
/use Saltwater Potion;
➤➤ Trinket Swap Macro
/use Sinful Aspirant’s Medallion
/cast Immolation Aura
/equip Sinful Aspirant’s Sigil of Adaptation
➤➤ Point & Laugh Macro
STREAMBEATS Copyright Free Music for Streamers (and YouTubers!)
Music Used ➤➤ Harris Heller – Honey Lights
Spotify ➤➤
Apple Music ➤➤
Youtube ➤➤
Any other music service just search for Harris Heller
Thanks For Watching!
#worldofwarcraft #shadowlands #pvp #flagcarry #tank #vengeance #demonhunter #wsg #warsonggulch #twinpeaks #ratedbattleground #rbg #wtf #wins #2100
Who's ready for 9.0.5? Time to learn to kite!
You have great vids… I love them.. so helpful!!
Yo, about 9.0.5, do you think Necrolord may be a viable option for pvp? Getting a 40% shield, and randomly healing 30% (by killing the demon) may help holding points/flag for longer? Also thanks alot for the videos, each of them is very helpful.
Your videos are super helpful tank you very much for sharing your knowledge!
Dude I've been running a few games tonight and your trinket macro has literally saved me every single time, absolute gold.
Great vids how bout some guardian vids
Thank you! The point and laugh macro is the most important one!!!
Yo what are your thoughts on infernal armor for increase of armor and feed the demon for more up time on jagged spikes?
hello sir, your twitch link in description is not working.. im trying it now for 4 weeks.. maybe you can fix it .. when i click it, twitch says, the account does not exist
fantastic macro to equip adaptation trinket! rogues are frustrating from this trick 🙂
Your content is amazing. I wish there was the same for guardian druids. Subbing in case you ever play it as an alt… 🙂
can you explain why when you jump your 3x bigger xD why doesn't it effect the other abilities so weird lol
so much data to my brain….here is my like and sub
Amazing tips!
What enchant do you recommend on cloak? Stam with speed or just Stam??
You have helped me master countering rouges. But, I'd love to see some content on countering druids. I got completely taken offguard by a high cr druid who used a combination of silences and rooting to cap on me haha. Any help would be lovely!
Wow man…this is incredible information. Awesome video and will be using all this info to get after some fun RBGS
Another fantastic guide, I've implemented only a small amount of your tips so far and noticed the edge! Many thanks!
can't a rogue aware of the macro stun bait ada and then blind cap
You can be noticably faster with well timed jump glides over double jump glides
Show me the 1v1
The point and laugh macro is extremely crucial to salt those rogues.
Watching your video made me want to subscribe to you. Seeing this from your pov, I'm an arms warrior, really has helped me know more about the DH class. Appreciate the info! I'll definitely have to use this info in 9.1 climbing up!
So double jump gliding is faster than single jump gliding?
3rogues disliked 😃
Any updated 9.2.5? Great video man!
Hello mate i want to be vdh in dragonflight pvp but new to game would you be coming back and doing content on rotation and things