THIS BUILD GOT ME MY FIRST PLUNDERSTORM WIN! | World of Warcraft Battle Royale | Day 1

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we check out Blizzard’s brand new BATTLLE ROYALE game mode in World of Warcrat – PLUNDERSTORM! I had no idea this was coming, in fact, I’m not really sure if anyone did. But I did find out about it only 2 hours before it came out and as a result of that I found a way to kill the next 16 hours of my life – but it was worth it. I won. And I loved it. And I think you will too.

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31 thoughts on “THIS BUILD GOT ME MY FIRST PLUNDERSTORM WIN! | World of Warcraft Battle Royale | Day 1”

  1. Not very surprised that the mode is temporary.

    This is Blizzard. If this mode is successful, I'm expecting them to release it as a separate game (fully monetized, of course).

  2. Reduce stun duration to 1 sec and instant dimishing return 100% for 5 sec. Then maybe it will be fun for me. This is Hunt Showdown flashbang all over again 😛

  3. If you want to make use of the axe you have to start positioning yourself with jumps, and read people using Slicing Wind.
    Casting it while in the air after jumping removes the movement penalty, same with Storm Archon and any other spell that reduces movement speed while casting, including the storm stun.

    Slicing Wind is also good because it gives you another escape / engage tool on top of Fade to Shadows, freeing you up to keep a Repel in the pocket because people are inevitably going to use Fire Whirl without thinking. With it and Fade to Shadows you can also traverse the whole area of the final arena back to back, making you a much harder target.

    Hunter's Chains combos well into the sticky trap that makes you disengage backward. You hit someone with the chain, position your camera so they're center screen, use the trap and the leap back should pull them right over the trap, slowing them and opening them up for whatever else you have. The chains are also just good in general for making sure a fleeing opponent can't get away, barring them having shapeshift or repel or something.
    The sticky trap and steel trap can also counter Fire Whirl. The sticky trap is easy, just drop it right as they're about to run into you and they're instantly slowed. Steel trap, just drop it the moment they start charging because nine times out of ten they aren't considering counterplay.

    Besides all that, the Mana Orb is excellent for controlling tight quarters, the little frost bolt is guaranteed poke, the shapeshift speed boost also counters Fire Whirl because it gives you massive damage reduction and a lot of other stuff because it makes you CC immune, and the snowman item is great for confusing someone and opening them up to whatever combo you're running.

    I really hate the game mode, btw. I wish there was any other way I could get the dumb transmogs, but barring cheating there just isn't.

  4. I tried it, it was pure crap, went straight back to Last Epoch

    Honestly, the controls are effin terrible, I have no way of knowing if I even hit anything as the UI is basically nonexistent, abilities are random af and I seem to be doing like quarter of the damage any other player goes to me for reasons I don't know, and despite Blizzard saying it's not forced PvP, I got ganked within 3 minutes in every single match.

  5. blizzard finally after so many years make skillshots? I mean yes some spells are but not enough even autoatacks should be skillshots to the game evolve but sadly they prefer just click and push a button anyway that looks fun sad I dont have a active account and I dont will pay just to try that

  6. On my 4th win in a row as I type this, Flame Whirl is absolutely broken. You wait for the opponent to use their movement ability, catch up and then you go ham. It's way too strong

  7. Watched like 3 people play it so far and I can't understand why not a single streamer maxes their abilities. Jfc if that star bomb wasn't rank 1 he would have ended the game in half the time.


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