THIS UPDATE Changes How We TANK & HEAL in World of Warcraft Forever

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19 thoughts on “THIS UPDATE Changes How We TANK & HEAL in World of Warcraft Forever”

  1. I'm glad they are making these changes to tanks. I have been sick and tired of tanks chain pulling without consequences for far too long now. They shouldn't be able to pull half the map and survive in a dungeon. Way too many tanks sell out dps, mele especially for the purpose of chain pulling speed runs. As frustrating as the learning curve was back in the day, I much prefer how things were back in Cata for example to where you needed to make a good pull and couldn't chain pull trash pack after trash pack. They tank would actually die if they did that.

  2. I don't mind these changes about week or so ago I was in dungeon and healer didn't res only healed himself/herself I guess that's why delves and followers is better if I'm wrong or not far off let me know

  3. Few months after TWW launch "Why is there a tank shortage".

    I agree that tanks shouldn't be able to solo everything but tanks should be self-sustaining in gear appropriate content and when well played.

    Tanks should need healers on dispels, when the group fails kicks and with tank busters but making tanks totally healer dependent kills large part of the fun. Big part of fun as a tank is being able to pull big and survive. On DPS it's doing a lot of damage and as a healer it's keeping the group alive and saving a group member e.g. last second lay on hands that saves them.

    This update makes tanks way less fun.

  4. As a healer I like these changes AS LONG AS they follow through and eliminate the spiky damage. A smoother damage profile would leave more time to some of the supportive role stuff.

  5. We should all get the luxury of playing DPS, only watching Details, and not giving a flying shit about anything else. This is one way to move towards that most desirable final goal.

  6. I wanna get back to being holy pala in WW. But i cant say it looks enticing, it is allready a shitfest being a healer in dragonflight where u are having to dps, heal, interupt(because dps is to retarded to) and despell one debuff out of up to 4 debuffs cus its on a 8sec CD, so we gotta make a desicion on the fly who to despell. And they making it harder… they completely killed pvp, they tune raids to the top 1%, and now they are are on the road to ruin M+ and raid i guess even more.

  7. No healing for me shamans are screw the one thing they needed to fix and they didnt! Like he said if they dont take some of tge mechanixs and give us the toolkit to be able to perform iam out i what to have fun not to have a heart atrack trying ti heal and get yell at why dint interpur dispell heal di the mechanics flawles and niw heal the tanks! Noooo thnx when they fix the shaman heals maybe as of now the only half viable talents for shaman is farseer cos the totemic has the same mana issue as right now so dont trust blizzard that can do what they cos thet havenr and they said they did so no healung no tanking just dps!

  8. I'm not really sure what your complaint is to be honest.. Every time you read a paragraph you had something negative to say but from where i'm sitting it all sounds fair and trending towards a more positive experience. I've played them all and I can tell you there is nothing more frustrating then playing as a healer and watching the meters and people just get insta killed including the tank. So having an experience that allows me as a healer to react in a fair and timely manner is not only easier on our anxiety but more fun in the end. No, tanks shouldn't be able to just one man train bulldoze their way through a dungeon without a healer. I like the idea of tanks using their heals for a bigger threat at the right time and healers picking up all the bits in between which is what it sounds like they are going for.

  9. You all seems like you play just to get RIO and don't care about playing a game. Tanks has to tank, not to be an immortal behemoth, we [ HEALERS ] stopped playing cause we STOPPED HEALING, we don't want to DPS, stun, cut cast and deal with all the emergency buttons of the team. WE WANT TO HEAL AND CLEAN DEBUFFS IF THERE IS LACK OF HEALERS IT'S BECAUSE WE HAVE STOPPED BEING HEALERS FOR A VERY LONG TIME NOW. The ones talking about healing was fine are the little ones that likes this new role of being semy AFK using 3 buttons every 4 minutes. You all depressing to read.

  10. Happy with the changes. Tank should be focused on being a taunt and shield for the group to dps and the healer to keep everyone alive. I am tired of tanks running off and pulling everything, healers having to do other jobs than healing and dps just speeding things up. Tanks became soloists pulling other players and it wasn't fun. Let's give this built a chance and relearn playing as a group. It has zero to do with delves. Yes some dungeons might need adjusting but that's ok. If mythics are more difficult, so be it, that's what mythics were about: difficulty! If raids need more cooperation and communication between players, that's good. Success will mean something.

  11. The issue is most of the player base wants to play the easier role. This is why it is hardest to find healers and why most players have always mained DPS. That said being self sufficient as a tank is kinda broken, have to either cut tanks damage dealt or self sustain.


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