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Warcraft has had quite the week! Blizzard unveiled large changes to tank design that have some players scared. Warcraft Chronicle Volume 4 is a bizarre book in several ways, and a War Within developer interview has left some scratching their heads. Plus all the latest War Within Beta updates!
00:00 What’s going on?
01:40 Why tanks are scared
10:44 TFW you fired the lore qa team…
19:44 an ‘interesting’ interview
32:16 Beta updates
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I'm just sad that the new more humanoid nerubians are not playable.
I like the overall idea of teamplay but in general healer players tend to want to be more relaxed (at least the ones I know /pugged with) A lot of time players choose heals because they dont have to be so hyper focused on rotation like dps or in taking charge like tanks. Giving them more responsibility might pressure them more than they wanted to. Thats just my personal experience.
As a tank I think that the main pain point is bdk. The design is eminently to be high self sustain, there isnt anything else that would favor picking a blood dk outside the fact that they can last without needing a lot of healer attention (no big buffs or debuffs, no major utility, inability to block or dodge). I feel these changes particularly screw bdk over. If they swapped tanking to frost which has a different logic, it might work, but the changes as far as of this moment in TWW for bdk are beyond catastrophic.
Damn, I forgot this game existed. Why do ya'll still play this?
For the type of slow burn tanking/healing you need less rng and uncontrolled damage coming at the tank.
Things has to be visually clear with manageable pacing. If they increased overall gcd for player and mobs – maybe.
i very much doubt they are able to achieve the goal without undermining entire work in next patch with some random changes to stat distribution.
that heroes of the storm reference is nonsense lol
maybe for the casual game mode but in top tier ranked you can absolutely steam roll solo
I feel like this just isn't an either or thing, and the choice they are making is a good one…
– Shorter main quest chain leads for a better streamlined experience and replay for alts.
– Better story and writing makes the stories you play more enjoyable.
– Hopefully with the shorter overall length it will give them the opportunity to improve the quality of the main quests.
Also, while people do enjoy stories, even in games with "better stories" (ff14, etc) there are still plenty of people that complain about having to do the story. Especially in a game like wow, where you have to reply the story on your alts, having less "mandatory" story will be good. I enjoy the story but when I'm doing it for the 5th, 6th, 12th time and I just want to go to the next quest hub but I have to do some quest that feels like a side quest just to move the main chain forward I get annoyed.
WoD was a crap expansion. Let's be careful what we want from that thing.
WoW players would be pissed if Blizzard personally gave them all BJ's & 1 million dollars. And this channel does nothing but rage farm.
Tanks with power fantasies lol. People who think like that dont understand the role of a tank in any way……..The role of a tank is not to have power ……the role is to take the dmg annd keep the mobs way from the other people
I think they messed up somethings with the book, but for writing a book, some things have to be changed in the order so that it progreses the story in a way that makes sense.
19:29 It's sloppy because execs are stupid and have bad intentions.
everytime a game dev screams nerf tanks, i cringe.
This on paper sounds like a good idea, but your nerfing the tanks D in for content they do less then 30% of their playtime.
We need those heals for solo content… there is nothing more boring in an MMO then having to sit around waiting for your health to regen in between pulls
To add to the "Some players don't like story" argument being BS. I've played WoW since original Wrath. I've also played FFXIV since 2.0 re release. In WoW I skip like 80% of story and in FFXIV I read literally everything. WoW is my original love and my god I can binge 40 hours of lore from a nobble video. But why do I skip it in WoW? The Main reasons. It's told to the player awfully and it misses out the juicy deep stuff that gets you hooked. Secondly the story is often poor, and the really cool lore and backstory players like me crave from the game IS NEVER EVER MENTIONED (or at least barely), even in some cases when you're diving into POTENTIAL juicy stuff. An example would be, you're delving into something long lost corrupted with old gods and the NPCs will go "Oh what has cursed this place, some old god at work here". THATS IT. THATS ALL YOU GET IT FEELS LIKE. Caps because it's infuriating. FFXIV would have NPCs explain why, try and figure things out, is there a way to cleanse? is there still enemies lingering? is the curse spreading? Is this related to something else in the story right now that it links to? WoW I feel like you get nothing like that. So I just turn off and don't care skip skip and i'll watch a lore secret video about it on Youtube later etc. I love WoW for it's gameplay but the story is too weak and also told the player weak too. As an example where they did do it right. (While I agree it's nothing of major note and it's my personal opinion) is the story told in Azure Span. Most of that delved into the character's, races, their cultures, their relation to the zone really well. And had some personality/human touch of Kalec helping the tuskarr then later having soup which made it feel like a proper story. Something grounded. I haven't played TWW beta so I can't speak for that yet. I just hope they've improved or it will be a case of me skipping a lot again.
Having less of a main story and then redirecting toward more, and lengthy, side quests is backwards!! I hate side quests and I'd much rather do more and better MSQ's then any side quests. Side quests in WoW just aren't all that great and the they are not that important in the grand scheme of thing makes them a chore to do. I actually like questing for a good main story questline that hooks me in to being invested in the story being told. However for that to happen Blizzard actually has to be able to tell a good, compelling and COHERENT story.
at this point i tend to believe that the survey that blizzard are getting the data are sent to the wrong guys or they just pretend that they collect that data. last survey that I got was before bfa and I have been very active in the game and communities.
I mainly PvP and have kind of given up on the story and ultimately stopped RPing because of it. Nothing I liked about WoW is really getting any attention anymore. If they've shortened the story of the game to the point that it can't get you past 75, I'll likely just stop playing once my sub runs out.
I found SL s1 was really good, sure you had to kite from time to time but that was just whatever.
Once I had decent gear on my pally I didnt have to move much at all.
They did something right there and I wish they take some notes from it.
How the heck did they anger the PvEers, the PvPers, and the lore nerds in one week? I'm almost impressed
The tank changes are so redundant when you consider numbers are increased and you gaining other abilities lmao this is clickbait and people are just dumb…
Horde are always best
You make a great point, people will skip and ignore a story if its meh but will go all in when it's actually good.
I liked all the expansions stories; I do think they should develop some new characters and kill off some Game of Thrones style!
Blizzard lost me the moment they turned Arthas into a pathetic ball of light
I had so many people on Reddit tell me that what Anduin saw that enabled him to break free from domination were the very souls of Saurfang and Varien, even though there was zero evidence of that being the case and how it could have just been a vision of his willpower. Glad to be vindicated that it was a vision from the Light (not so much willpower, though a character's will is related to their use of the Light).
I want Tanking/Healing to go back to what it was in Wrath. Maybe not exactly, but the dynamic was good. A good tank could easily carry a group even if the healer was lacking and vise versa. This idea that a tank can heal as much as dedicated healer is dumb imo and was better when tanks mitigated/avoided damage rather than healing through it.
The BFA story arc retcon is not out of sloppiness. It's obviously a rewrite of history. Because the author chose a sequence of events. Where did he get that sequence from? Pulled at random from the air? Obviously not. In order to mess up the sequence of events that badly, you need to know what the correct order was.
He said his theories were validated. I think the wow writers view his lore theories before they writr cannon.
TBH i dont see the book as problematic. Sure it is a bit different than the game but the outcome is the same and makes proably more sense in a book format.