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Step into the hauntingly beautiful realm of Tirisfal Glades in this remastered World of Warcraft Classic cinematic. Journey through the twisted forests and fog-laden graveyards that echo with the rich lore of the Forsaken. This is more than a landscape—it’s a storied homeland marked by the ruins of Lordaeron, the eerie whispers of Deathknell, and the hidden shadows of Brill. The journey ends at the entrance of Undercity.
All visuals are 100%
#TirisfalGlades #WorldofWarcraft #WoWClassic #WarcraftCinematic #Forsaken #Azeroth #WoWRemastered
Terrifying!!! I love it, how I wish we got a realistic rendition of WoW
Yes! Yes! Ty
They applied the Harry Potter 5-7 lighting filter on this one. I would have expected a lot more greens, and purples, and browns.
The Undead are my favorite race and the entire starting zone is my favorite. This is really amazing to see. So much more than cartoony and brighter, this is dark and terrifying and imagining yourself walking through here gives you chills. Incredible!
I started playing EQ 6 months after it came out, which was extraordinary for its time. I started playing WoW in its first month and thought it was a great upgrade graphics-wise. If this was my first intro to WoW 20 years ago, I would have shit. Great job.
One word: Amazing!
I feel like this video perfectly encapsulates how the story of the Forsaken came to be: if you are part of the surviving humans and you see the Forsaken and Tirisfal like THIS (the way it would actually be like in-universe), you wouldn't want to be anywhere near it either.
Wow yours are so much better than the competition
well its not really a remaster since its only a lousy ai scale up
Dun Morogh please
this could have been epic with more sounds effects
Its so so perfect
This is what I saw at 15 years old playing back in 2004 leveling my undead. Perfection!
awesome fuccccxxx ~~for the horde
Not bad ass. This is not wow. You are reason everyone ended up hating wow. This is cool but not an improvement. Just a film
which ai are u usinng for this ?
this brings the good old memories of my tiny forsaken priest <3
For the Sylvanas! For the Forsaken !""! My lady, my queen! What Blizzard done to you!!! 🙁
This makes me want to see Ravenholm from Half-Life 2
0:26 "Young adventurer, fetch me 10 bat wings from the foul creatures to the north of here and a great reward I shall bestow upon thee…"
"Yeah, I'm gonna take a hard pass on this quest buddy".
One day wow will actually look like this!
Best one yet
This is incredible. Technology is advancing FAST.
I love it. It's EPIC!!!!
this is amazing. would make the game like new again.
You have the Will of the Forsaken!!!
If only.
This is so sick. Actually looks scary as hell lol
Literally sub'd hoping you'd do this one! thanks so much this is fantastic!
Ahhhh….. Home!
Аи делает ролики лучше чем близард лол)
I love Vanilla WoW but this is the Tirisfal Glades I want to see in modern graphics.
My favorite one so far. Always played horde un-dead priest and warlock.
Nice, what AI do u use?