Tyrande Whisperwind – The Power of Night – Shadowlands 9.1

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Tyrande Whisperwind
The Power of Night
Shadowlands 9.1


27 thoughts on “Tyrande Whisperwind – The Power of Night – Shadowlands 9.1”

  1. Finally the confirmation of the thing everybody should have known all along.

    Can we stop listening to people like Pyromancer who keep insisting their awful headcanon is what the lore actually is and get back to paying attention to the incredibly basic plot set up they always have done?

  2. sees how Tyrande is resisting and getting too strong as a night warrior and only has one option left to save her and the survival of Ardenweald. ends up thinking "The Winter Queen is gonna hate me for this" gets a red ring out of my pocket, slips it on my finger, goes to Tyrande, and absorbs the rage out of her "With blood and rage of crimson red. Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead. Together with our hellish hate. We'll burn you all. That is your fate!" purges Tyrande Wisperwind from Elune's wrath and suddenly sees a decapitated Sylvanas Windrunner on my mind while Tyrande changes back to normal. manages to contain the suppress the rage and pulls the red ring out of my finger


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