Tyrande: I suppose I should thank you…. Hordie: You can thank me by taking a shower…. You’ve been in that tower fighting nonstop for months… Tyrande: HOW DARE- (Sniff) Oh by Elune you’re right….
Finally the confirmation of the thing everybody should have known all along.
Can we stop listening to people like Pyromancer who keep insisting their awful headcanon is what the lore actually is and get back to paying attention to the incredibly basic plot set up they always have done?
sees how Tyrande is resisting and getting too strong as a night warrior and only has one option left to save her and the survival of Ardenweald. ends up thinking "The Winter Queen is gonna hate me for this" gets a red ring out of my pocket, slips it on my finger, goes to Tyrande, and absorbs the rage out of her "With blood and rage of crimson red. Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead. Together with our hellish hate. We'll burn you all. That is your fate!" purges Tyrande Wisperwind from Elune's wrath and suddenly sees a decapitated Sylvanas Windrunner on my mind while Tyrande changes back to normal. manages to contain the suppress the rage and pulls the red ring out of my finger
Shadowlands 9.1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAAoYocWTwC–DZqtxlIclAaEqCA-ygdW
Garrosh Hellscream in the new raid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukGXUPGsgvY
Sylvanas and Bolvar Intro: https://youtu.be/kHv2FJ7-uRg
3:32 lol the Tik tok song
So Elune is the Winter Queens sister…interesting
Can't wait for those cool things that will happen <3
Tyrande: I suppose I should thank you….
Hordie: You can thank me by taking a shower…. You’ve been in that tower fighting nonstop for months…
Tyrande: HOW DARE- (Sniff) Oh by Elune you’re right….
Ah Sin'Dane literally Gay Lich.
My Titan…. Shudappp!!!! Who wrote this carp?
Finally the confirmation of the thing everybody should have known all along.
Can we stop listening to people like Pyromancer who keep insisting their awful headcanon is what the lore actually is and get back to paying attention to the incredibly basic plot set up they always have done?
I wonder if we can finally see a glimpse of elune
so stonewright is the wielder of elune's power!!! so was she a mortal?!
They made Elune the sister of the Witner Queen.. Talk about ruining classic warcraft lore with this disney inspired generic crap.
Tyrande got mad af when they tried to calm her down
sees how Tyrande is resisting and getting too strong as a night warrior and only has one option left to save her and the survival of Ardenweald. ends up thinking "The Winter Queen is gonna hate me for this" gets a red ring out of my pocket, slips it on my finger, goes to Tyrande, and absorbs the rage out of her "With blood and rage of crimson red. Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead. Together with our hellish hate. We'll burn you all. That is your fate!" purges Tyrande Wisperwind from Elune's wrath and suddenly sees a decapitated Sylvanas Windrunner on my mind while Tyrande changes back to normal. manages to contain the suppress the rage and pulls the red ring out of my finger
I really hope for beautiful cinematics… So, does this mean Elune is being nerfed?
So Tyrande basically didn’t not much with the power. Kind of a let down for me.
I thought stonewright was the same as ranathal that was willed into being by Danathrius tho
I just hope Tyrande still hates Sylvanas for what she did. If Jaina never forgave Garrosh than Tyrande definitely should not forgive Sylvanas.
Blizzard… what have you done?
thanks for the video.
garbage powerup for garbage storyline, completely pointless.
Well at least Tyrande will leave behind her "Kill Sylvanas no matter what!" Phase.
Why is Lady Vashj back? 😮 I haven't followed the story in a long time…
Hey wait a min….Winter Queen and Elune are sisters?
So she became a night warrior. Did literally nothing, then got the power taken away.
Cool character arc lol
I was so scared hat we were going to actually free him. Like just kill him already lol
AAAAHHHH! I can't wait
This is off topic but have they done anything more in regards to the Emerald Dream lore/story?
it was so good to see her