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You thought you did. We’re taking a look back at the original World of Warcraft, through the modern lens of Classic WoW. Act 1 of 2.
0:00:00 – Introduction
0:02:06 – Classic WoW
0:15:26 – The MMO Market
0:18:28 – Cooldown Combat
0:22:35 – The First and Second Wars
0:30:43 – PART 2 | The Kingdom of Stormwind
0:36:25 – Elwynn Forest
0:52:55 – Westfall
1:00:29 – The Deadmines
1:31:38 – Redridge Mountains
1:45:27 – The Stockades
1:55:26 – Stormwind City
1:58:57 – Duskwood
2:09:23 – Rogues
2:18:12 – PART 3 | The Kingdom of Lordaeron
2:31:10 – The Forsaken
2:35:19 – Tirisfal Glades
2:40:52 – The Undercity
2:50:37 – Silverpine Forest
3:05:05 – Shadowfang Keep
3:18:34 – The Hillsbrad Foothills
3:24:41 – Priests
3:28:04 – PART 4 | The Horde
3:31:01 – Durotar
3:41:39 – Orgrimmar
3:44:09 – Ragefire Chasm
3:45:44 – Mulgore
3:55:51 – Thunder Bluff
3:57:44 – The Barrens
4:07:25 – Wailing Caverns
4:14:27 – Stonetalon Mountains
4:17:14 – Shamans
4:25:33 – PART 5 | The Kaldorei
4:28:31 – Teldrassil
4:37:00 – Darnassus
4:40:18 – Darkshore
4:44:05 – Ashenvale
4:52:00 – Blackfathom Deeps
5:04:29 – Druids
5:08:16 – PART 6 | Khaz Modan
5:11:31 – Dun Morogh
5:17:47 – Ironforge
5:20:42 – Loch Modan
5:26:40 – The Wetlands
5:30:33 – Gnomeragan
5:46:21 – Warriors
I was there for vanilla, I was there for nostalrius, and I was there for classic. I'm so excited for this video.
I've never played WoW. Still looking forward to it.
This might be my favorite analysis you've done. Looking forward to part 2!
this video is longer than Titanic movie if were to take it out and rewatch it, still is not as long as this video.
Hell yeah Pat
4:50:31 This sounds kinda similar to how werewolves came to be in World of Darkness.
54:30 wtf? Not receiving a buff from a nearby player that's able to is social degeneration? This is the most entitled take I've ever heard.
love how everyone likes to point out how wrong Jay was about the "you think you do but you dont" i mean true different strokes for different folks. for me it was "i never wanted it, i still dont want it, especially how you did it" when cata dropped it removed a lot of vanilla wow stuff from being farmable. at that point in time i wasnt about collecting mounts, cosmetics etc. so when wod came along and had no content but then added the transmog collection book… ok well now the games ALL about collecting things. so the only reason i would ever touch classic is to unlock cosmetics i can no longer obtain in retail…. but nothing from classic carries over so why would i give 2 shits about it?
I'm more than halfway through the timeline and the video is just on Hillsbrad… Is there an 18 hr director's cut that gives this much time and analysis to EVERY zone and dungeon?
The Forsaken starting area feels very Israelcoded to me
your bias for alliance is showing
After your Skyrim video I was curious what the next long form video would be about. World of Warcraft was not on my list, and I'm okay with that!
The word “quick” is really confused as to how it found its way in to this title 👀
For me for later
Anduin : "let my character die"…
Thrall: "you're soft as baby shit"
Damn thrall…
Awesome video
Barrens Chat mentioned wooooooooo 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
Idk what server you were playing on, but when I was playing around WoW Classic's release, EVERYONE was buffing EVERYONE. People were even handing out free sharpening stones and potions to group members while questing. I miss that