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The War Within expansion is almost here – but which classes are looking good? Let’s go through all the ranged dps and see who comes out on top with the best gameplay, best hero talents, and who is the best overall.
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Timestamps –
0:00 – RANGED Dps Ranked for The War Within
0:53 – Hunter
5:34 – Mage
11:19 – Shadow Priest
13:49 – Warlock
19:02 – Balance Druid
21:16 – Elemental Shaman
23:26 – Evoker
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The BEST Classes to Play in The War Within –
Top 10 reasons to be excited for The War Within –
23 Small but AMAZING changes in the War Within –
Timestamps –
0:00 – RANGED Dps Ranked for The War Within
0:53 – Hunter
5:34 – Mage
11:19 – Shadow Priest
13:49 – Warlock
19:02 – Balance Druid
21:16 – Elemental Shaman
23:26 – Evoker
(sometimes the timestamps in the description aren’t getting picked up, so I’ll just leave them in the pinned comment as well, hope that helps!)
Mages are great in group content but there's more to WoW than group content. Mages suck for soloing. Leveling with crap gear on a mage is miserable. Please don't tell me to pop ice block when I pull more than one mob. On my hunter I'd just misdirect it onto my pet and kill both. If I pull aggro I just feign death. If my pet starts taking damage I just hit Mend Pet and I can solo lots of stuf. It's not as tanky as an actual real tank class but it's a pretty good balance of solo ability and high damage output. I miss it terribly every time I try a squishy spec like mage.
I disagree with the Affliction Warlock position. I started playing it as a newb a long time ago and was told "don't do that one it's too hard". Now, I have people in my guild ask what buttons to push and how to order everything because they cannot understand how I can get all of my DoTs up on 5 targets without using Vile Taint. LOL. Practice. The last dungeon I ran through (which was for an event because I hate dungeons) my guild member told me I was top damage. I don't run any add-ons (never have) and I just usually run around in the world helping others if I can. I was happy that I was "top damage" for about 3 minutes. LOL. That's how long the dungeon was.
As an all time hunter main (since TBC), this is the expansion that I retire my hunter in favor of mage.
Demo lock now and always
Affliction main here. It's a myth that Aff is a hard spec to play. Wowhead is right when it says most people consider the spec to be hard but the rotation is actually easy and smooth as butter. It's also a lot less dynamic than other classes' rotations meaning once you learn it you learn it. DoT management in general can still be a pain but that is really the only 'hard' thing about it, making sure your important DoTs don't fall off and you refresh them at the right time. Destruction Warlock is easy to pick up but as far as I know they still have to worry about PuG tanks pulling mobs out of their rain of fire. The Havoc mechanic also requires a bit of skill to get used to as it's not based only on logic but also instinct. And in the beginning of expansions they often do really poor damage (like D or F tier damage) but hopefully that will be better in War Within, I don't know.
I'm so happy you guys are sleeping on warlock. I'm finna pop off.
What was the point of this video?
I'll be real, I'm kinda glad some of the buttons got cut from BM.. some of them were just ..kinda traps given that you'd have to legitimately be a math god on the fly to judge if one was better or not to use over KC or barbbed shot, to the point that you literally had maybe 2-5 GCD per minute spare for other shots.
Putting affliction in the lowest tier is kind of funny considering how busted it is rn.
I play affliction as well and I to disagree with it being c tier
0 reason to be looking or making teir lists when we still got several weeks of tuning to go. Lazy content
This is killing me! What song is it again on the last 15 seconds of the video???????
Thanks for the video, but come on man… do tanks next 😀
Come on man destroy warlock is now the Mata b really..???
I'd shit my pants irl if they made BM hunter able to have 3 or 4 pets out at once always would be so cool
I am still getting used to people from the UK saying truck instead of lorry.
Played Destro since BC
This some PvE bs? lol
Best War Within class / spec tier listing hands down. Keep up the good work, you got the right formula!
Good video! Can we please get the same for melee?
good mobility? Aspect has a 3 week cooldown, longest in the game by far! id put money on Hunters being the slowest char in the game! and also, why have they never fixed Misdirect?
Another expansion, another S-tier start for Mages…
1:05 What is that warlock demon doing? spamming chaos bolts like crazy!!!!😰
thanks going Fire mage
Place Balance druid on a D- tier …
I'm going to main Frost Mage in War Within, a first for me maining a FM.
I have not played much at all since BFA. Think it is worth coming back for War Within?
fire mages are doing tank dmg def not s tier currently
When do the hero talents come out, and when can we level past 70?
Moment I pressed Thumbs down was when you said leave a like.
Ele shaman is so fun to play with the changes getting a ascension proc off your wave feels so good you're just a lava machine gun
we sween sgins of kelani posted let me see what he has ti sa-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
paladin went from best to nerfed to shit. my 35 ilvl lower warrior does more dps now…
Kelani your tier list is fried asf my guy 😂