Warcraft's MIGHTIEST Hunter

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40 thoughts on “Warcraft's MIGHTIEST Hunter”

  1. Rexxar is a sword and sorcery archetypical character
    Lonely warrior from a small tribe travels the world whit diferent companions, uses brute force but is not an idiot
    Is basically Conan the Cimmerian
    For real if blizzard could made games for consoles and using rexxar as a main character for an adventure game taking place in orgrimmar and outlands in the same vein as gothic or zelda would become an instand classic

  2. I am on the alliance side as the first day since i play wow, but i really respect Rexar and Thrall. I got few characters in horde,but didn't enjoy it so much. But really Rexar and Thrall for me are part of the best characters in the game.

  3. Man when I was but a boy, young and full of hope. I remember completing Frozen throne, or I thought I had completed it. There as Arthus now sat upon the frozen throne as the Lich King, there I saw a new campaign … Rexxar's campaign. And ho boi did I ever love it, played it so much had so much fun and just loved to come back to it. It was great. I always loved the guy and Misha was best friend!


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