Warriors Are Trash! Asmongold SHOCKED By Shadowlands DPS Rankings (Best Classes & Specs) | Nubkeks

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Asmongold Reacts to Nubkeks breakdown of Shadowlands Pre-Patch best Specs and classes based on DPS and Healing (Tier List)…

Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUBvczs2bJc (BEST SPECS in the Shadowlands Pre-Patch! // World of Warcraft: Shadowlands)

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[Demon Hunter (DH)]: Havoc and Vengeance
[Death Knight (DK)]: Blood, Frost and Unholy
[DRUID]: Balance, Feral, Guardian and Restoration
[HUNTER]: Marksmanship, Beast Mastery and Survival
[MAGE]: Arcane, Fire and Frost
[MONK]: Brewmaster, Mistweaver and Windwalker
[PALADIN]: Holy, Protection and Retribution
[PRIEST]: Discipline, Holy and Shadow
[ROUGE]: Assassination, Outlaw and Subtlety
[SHAMAN]: Elemental, Enhancement and Resoration
[WARLOCK]: Affliction, Demonology and Destruction
[WARRIOR]: Arms, Fury and Protection

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Thank you all for watching! Stay tuned and subscribe to the official Asmongold YouTube Channel to always be kept up to date about the best Asmongold Highlights, Asmongold Reacts and funniest Asmongold moments from World of Warcraft and other games played on stream!

Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold

► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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43 thoughts on “Warriors Are Trash! Asmongold SHOCKED By Shadowlands DPS Rankings (Best Classes & Specs) | Nubkeks”

  1. Why is a Tank crying about not being top DPS? I dis-agree Asmon Plate wearers should never have been in close competition with top dps glass cannons. It appears like Blizzard is trying to bring things back to where it should be. You want to be top dps? Go Mage or Lock. Even warriors in dps spec should be lower in total dps than pure dps classes since they get better defense.

  2. They should really balance every class, so all the players can play their favorite. They can’t just made 1 OP than others in the way of broken like that. Its ok to be stronger than one another but not in a way of rejection of getting into a core group.

  3. those dps meters are for lvl 50 tho… it will be different @ 60 with 60 gear. and also.. if a mythic group dont want a priest bcus of no utility, atleast let us have the dmg :p

  4. this guy produces no real content just use other's content to react, yet when you search for DPS ranking this video is at the top. so sad . so lazy people like asmongold steal others video to get better view . youtube should discourage this shiit

  5. Shit like "they have 3 abilities, Y does everything". That's what makes wow players limited. There I said it. I saw max geared BM hunters who were shit. Then I met mediocre geared who were exceptionally good. A class is not only about the abilities.
    Asmongold literally knows shit about other classes in wow. Shut tf up. And play your begginner's class

  6. Shadow Priest already got nerfed and will get further nerfs. Blizzard would never allow them to be the number 1 spot in terms of damage. On top of that: He said at the beginning that it's Shadowlands toolkit combined with BFAs borrowed powers. This gives zero insight how they will perform on level 60.


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