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The game sucks yall hop on anything
The Xarorb has returned in the spirit of the clone stun.
I’m glad blizz is willing to try new things and expand on ideas. But this game mode is a swing and a miss for them imo.
Love the energy with Pika, great collab Xar!
You aren’t making a play unless you say it three times 😂
Plunder is amazing and gonna be great content for Xar and pika duos!
I really miss you and Pika playing together.. would love to see some retail arena just for fun 🤞
I cant be too sure, but i think if you say everything 3 times, you get an increase in performance, performance, performance.
This mode looks sick for consoles
Imagine being blizzard making millions every year and not able to produce "original" game modes..
2025: We are happy to announce Dota style MMO
Hey, NON WOW PLAYER HERE, game looks interesting, Should I play the WOW game first? or head first into this?
I really hope they add a version of this with classes. It feels off to me not having classes. You can still have to loot spells, but have the spell drops be different spells for different classes. Also, they need to add mounts and fix the wonky mobility. Maybe even add a base line spring ability.
Too much talking
You guys literally just shout and ignore whatever the other one says. Such chaos.
Actually looks super fun. Also perfect for the xaryu pika combo
the funniest content from my two fav PVP'ers
Finallyyyyyy Xarkaboo is back
While entertaining, 10.2.6 made me unsub from like 90% of WoW youtubers. This game is, truly, ran by morons.
I miss your arena gameplay Xar, I hope I will see you in arenas one day again.
Totally agree with the take on people saying "this isn't what we wanted" being selfish. Blizzard has literally given us official hardcore with an additional SF mode now and SOD, on top of all of the other classic expansions that have come in the past. The only people that I could see being somewhat upset are retail PvPers, but they literally just did a big tuning patch for PvP as well. Coming from a mainly retail PvEer, the complaints seem to be coming from classic players mainly; I love classic, I play all of it, but man, these guys are almost impossible to please sometimes.
win or lose these two are always peak pvp in wow
Xaryu the least you could do its plug pikaboo in the title or description like he did thats foul dude
this actually looks really fun lol
total schitt shame on you !!!
Xar just being so toxic to Pika 😅😅