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Well season of discovery just got some news to change it forever! Phase 2is looking so bright and we just got so many changes to the pvp event, classes, open world, questing and more! PLUS A major discussion about raid logs and ranking healers and dps! Let’s go!!!!!
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00:00 – Check it Out!
01:55 – HUGE News Coming Soon!
02:30 – Gnomergan Difficulty Real Talk.
04:25 – New Exclusive Mount
05:17 – First DPS Raid Logs!
10:00 – Healer Raid Logs!
12:10 – Brand New Patch Notes!
16:29 – Community Section!
19:27 – Check Out The Streams!
Install Raid for Free on Mobile and PC ✅ ✅ and get a special starter pack with the epic's heroes Lightsworn and at level 15 Juliana.
Why should we as customers paying for a service not expect at least some sort of quality control from the company we are paying for a service? Why would we not have a right to bash them for failing to conduct such quality control? Maybe its the fact that white knights make statements like "don't bash the game 5 days into launch" that make blizzard think they are release subpar untested bullshit. I mean its not "5 days into launch" its 19 years into launch and they continue to release substandard untested bullshit because they don't want to pay testers or anyone for that matter to test it.
the thing is that vanilla players hate to progress, hate difficult bosses and mechanics, so to keep as many as possible playing it i think they almost have to make easier content, bfd wasn`t a hard raid, but the pugs that i played with when i raided had no clue what to do, vanilla attract more casual players, and that is just a fact
Great coverage. Helps keep things in perspective for this phase
Your logs are already outdated man. Putting out videos that just make super causal players rage isn’t helping lol. Mage and locks are already better than hunters.
I really like gnomer. The mechanics are fun and not really that difficult. HOWEVER. BIG FUCKING HOWEVER. The armor needs to be nerfed. Hard. There is absolutely zero reason level 40 mobs have more armor than ragnaros. This gimps every physical by 45%. And it double fucks warrior, because they generate no rage.
Elemental shamans hitting 1.2k crits all over is absolutely wild
Gnomer is easy af. Cleared with a pug first reset.
Also hunters should not be that strong and they need huge nerf. I dont understand why does it matter that they only dps so they shoul pump so hard. Others play druids to heal and dont care about dps or tanking, that means they should be mediocre healers because they can cover others specs they dont like?
Good nerf on balance druids btw. They need more.
Next nerfs on SP, Hunters.
Also shamans need a rework on enha and resto.
Bro at least from what you explained of the mount in the video itself I’m not 100% sure you fully understand the significance of it! It’s background is much more dramatic than a color variant request
Personally I've found Crusader Strike to be much more helpful for bosses as HPal. Beacon is just so mana intensive I wish it was on a different slot. Crusader lets us go for much longer. I wish we got the mana refund on crit heals from shock but we don't
People are ridiculous lol It's day 6 and people are like "It's too hard!" I am so glad the devs are responsive sometime even a little snarky to the weirdos in the forums. Love it!
Its frustrating that one of the worst professions (mining) became even more irrelevant and one of the best for making money (alchemy) got even better. Blizzard needs to let miners smelt truesilver this phase.
Please fix mage duo healing! 30sec temporal Beacon is overriding 15seconds mass beacon not allowing the second mage arcane spells to heal after using mass.
We need a dual Spec option, now!
balance got gutted in PvP and PvE
Do NoT nerf
What about tanks ?
Only been watching you for about two weeks, and you are now one of my favourite WoW content creators overall. Keep it up, man.
Boosts to 40 wearing level 25 gear "Gnomer is too hard" kekw
Playing a Meta lock in the blood moon STV event is horrible. When following your group around you can't be in meta form so just casting that almost cuts your mana in half. Meta being like almost 1k mana is makes this just feel horrible. Locks don't spawn ready to fight and being silenced during the event after we rez we can't do anything . We can cast meta and drink but we can't summon our 10 second cast pet, mount up, buff, create healthstone, etc. If you are a Meta lock make sure you have a lot of water to drink.
Honestly it just feels like it way too long between phases. Other than that it's a lot of fun.
Disagree on the raid difficulty, classic Andy's need the raid content to be easily puggable to be fun
So many people seem to want the raids handed to them on a plate. You shouldn't expect to clear it from the very beginning but the culture of MinMaxing has sucked all the fun out of the game and seems to make many assume they need to clear everything as efficiently as possible to get BiS as soon as they possibly can.
Starsurge nerf was much needed, i felt so cheap critting so much on an instant cast, but starfire doesnt have a crit enhancer like starsurge does (from solar eclipse).
Starfire is an expensive cast, takes a long time even with the cast reduction, and does the same dmg as a wrath crit (and wrath crits a lot from eclipse).
I think lunar eclipse needs to either stack so that it can turn into an instant cast, or also make it so starfire mana cost is reduced after you use starsurge.
Tldr: The compensation they did was buff one cast of an expensive, long ability that rarely crits.
Having the opposite problem with layers on Chaos Bolt. Half the time the world feels empty
So… whats "exciting news"? We know this for weeks already.
It's just stupid clickbait.
Keep difficulty as is please. It is the perfect level of challenging to be fun but yet easy enough to complete casually.
Keep the difficulty. The gear should be earned!
They need to reduce the armor of the last couple bosses by 70%+. This is a similar situation to how Kelris was for magic last phase. It's simply not fun playing a melee class and knowing no matter how well you play or how geared you get, you're always gonna suck for the rest of the phase.
Balance wise, these are the changes I think need to happen:
1. Melee Hunter PvE nerf. Whoever thought it was a good idea to make melee Hunters have full damage on both weapons(even warriors don't get this) didn't think things through all the way imo. I also don't agree that a class should be better just because all it's specs are dps. If anything, I see that as a positive as someone who has no interest in tanking or healing. It just means I have more options on how I want to play my DPS.
2. Ret Paladin PvE buff. Something like a 10-12% buff to start with, and judge from there. Somethng that really excited me about SoD was actually getting to play a Ret paladin, and not feeling like I'm wasting a group/raid spot. Rets aren't terrible, but I'd love to see them up in the top 2 or 3 for a change. That would be really fun imo.
3. Enhance Shaman PvE buff. Maybe like 15% to start with.
4. Frost Mages are a tough one, as they're A tier in PvP. Maybe you can find some way to buff PvE without affecting PvP.
5. Warriors. Warriors are in a tough spot right now as they're they only class that straight up sucks at PvP(probably D tier, where the second worst class is B tier), and they're bottom 3rd in PvE, but like you said, they scale like crazy. I say hold off making any Warrior PvE buffs for now, and see where they are in a few weeks.
6. Marksman Hunters need a PvE buff. Unlike warriors, they usually don't scale to the moon like Warriors, so it's likely they'll stay near the bottom if nothing changes. I generally think Marksman aligns well with the class fantasy that many Hunters are looking for.
1. Balance druid nerf(already happened). Starsurge needs a nerf. A instant cast spell with a 6 second cd shouldn't hit as hard as a 4 second casted Pyroblast.
2. Priest. Maybe a slight nerf to shadow word death. Not as offensive as starsurge, since it also hurts the caster, but I've seen it hit even harder(up to 1.6k).
3. Rogue burst nerf. Rogues can kill most classes within a couple globals out of stealth before they even have time to react. They're not OP in PvE though, so need to be careful here not to hurt them there.
4. Ele shaman. Maybe a slight Lava Burst nerf? I'm not as sure on this one.
*Actually, looking at those first 4 nerfs, I think it's more indicative that we're doing too much damage in general, and rather than nerf those classes, maybe we can buff HP in general in PvP(add lots of stam to pvp gear?).
4. Warriors. I honestly don't know how to fix Warriors, as a class who's mana decays extremely quickly in between engagements is just never gonna work that well in the sorts of in and out super quick pvp exchanges we typically see. Imagine trying to balance a Mage if Mages started at 0 mana and had to spend the first 5 seconds of every fight pooling mana(without sheep), especially when the fights usually end in 3 seconds. Open to ideas here, but I honestly don't see how you do it without making them gods in PvE.
The balance changes feel really bad in pvp.
It went from a really fun an powerful spec to feeling very weak and going out of mana.
Currently in a dad guild with only 6-7 40s we pugged in 3 and still managed to go 4/6 first lockout and 6/6 after reset. It’s not hard you gotta be patient and willing to learn and progress. I feel like people whine if they don’t clear it first try in a full pug with crap gear and a bad comp.
I'm enjoying the nomer raid difficulty. It kind of ramps up from first boss to last which feels good. My guild is running far from an optimal comp and we cleared all bosses but last on first lockout. We got last boss to phase 3 before ppl had to go to sleep and hoping to full clear with a fresh raid tonight. I can say the bosses are a little hard at first but become braindead ez once ppl know the mechanics.
Bloodmoon rewards are far to fast this is meant to be 2 months of content not 1 day. It should have taken a hell of a lot longer and they should have been better rewards. WoW is an MMORPG its a game that is meant to absorb as much time as it can and reward you for it. Its not a pick up and play 1 hour a night game. SOD is way to casual friendly its driving away all the good players, shame.
another few weeks of hunters bitching about being nerfed inc
Gnomergan is already extremely easy. Please no nerfs. This should not be everyone gets a trophy.
I would say I see 2 options. either make current raid difficulty heroic, and the nerfed version normal but dont increase the ilvl of drops but do something special that shows people have cleared it on the non nerfed, or wait till 1/2 way though the patch and then nerf it.
the pvp event is soooooo laggy man….. why cant they fix that ?
tell me please why you recognize that "masses" are actually bread and butter of MMO, but other dont. and blizzard in retail with all elitism and etc caters specifically to 1%ters. and masses, the dads and etc. they just dropped like trash.
My guild did 6/6 our first night raiding together again, it was a great challenge, took us about 4-5 attempts for each boss, i dont believe it should be changed just yet
oh no raid shaddow legends
Considering Scarlet Monastery was practically all cloth and mail items, I'm not at all surprised spell casters and hunters top the list. Wait until more raid gear gets out where gear dependent rogues/warriors will shine again.
They need to fix the lag in STV during the PVP event.
MMOS arnt for people who play only 2hours can expect the game to change for no time spent they can play solo games liek skyrim
Always good stuff. Thanks for the work
Some of the devs need to actually play shaman/horde. The amount of bias & favoritism towards the alliance, and paladins specifically, even if unintentional, needs to be addressed. Just to be clear, I'm really enjoying SoD. But it seems like 90% of the good runes are deep in alliance territory. The sleeping bag quest was much more difficult to do as Horde. Paladins get better runes than shamans do. Even things out a little!
Can enhance have Mental Quickness? Please??