What Classes WON & LOST! Shadowlands Ranged DPS Spec Roundup: All You NEED To Know!

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Want to know what”s up with ranged DPS? Here you go!
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0:00 Intro
0:55 Hunter
9:24 Priest
13:20 Shaman
16:55 Druid
21:18 Warlock
30:07 Mage
40:04 Closing Thoughts


39 thoughts on “What Classes WON & LOST! Shadowlands Ranged DPS Spec Roundup: All You NEED To Know!”

  1. As a returning player, the last time I played moonkin was WotLK and the "new" eclipse system is basically a less RNG dependant version of that so it actually feels great to me.

  2. Demo lock has 1 core issue: Shard generation. Super boring, shadowbolt dmg is a joke, and it's incredibly static gameplay. And in theory you can't do shit without at least 3 soul shard. The whole spec is boring as fuck because if you can't spam that 1 stupid button you're nothing. And then it's the haste problem, if you can't spam that 1 button fast enough, your rotation will be slow. And I don't give a fuck about demo legendaries. It's blizzard who doesn't give a fuck about their class design and tries to solve their stupid work with cheap "legendary" items.

    Affliction has rng generation and destruction needs only 2 for a chaos bolt. And here is demonology with only 1 semi-viable build/update. Demonology is a mistake.

  3. So from what I get from Bel his biggest gripes with most classes I have problems are because they don’t have enough mobility and they don’t do enough damage so ultimately I guess he would like to see everybody just roll Demon Hunter but give Demon Hunter a few more buttons to press. Or just make everyone have flight and insta cast nukes with no CD

  4. As an 11 year Boomkin veteran I'm heartbroken to say I'm seriously considering re rolling. This version of eclipse feels like a constant chase against an impossible seesaw. There's no moments of fun (such as old starsuge procs), the dot refreshes always fall at a bad moment (not that there's ever a good moment). And the only way to make us feel useful is legendaries (legion month 1-3 flashbacks). Legion Boomkin once artifact unlocks were obtained was brilliant. But compared to my wlock and spriest alts its like chasing your own boring tail.
    A sad day as a moonchiken fan

  5. Bal druid is easy its no where near as bad as he makes it out to be. It makes more sense in game. Been balancefor 16 years. Raided, mythic+ in 3100io i feel like balance is going to rock SL this season. Its far better than bfa in my OPINION!! NEW ECLISE IS GOOD. If you have a smoothbrain might be hard

  6. Elemental is as it was, except for a few QoL changes for the negative rather than the positive. Lower lava surge proc chance along with the godawful flame shock changes make this spec more annoying to play than fun. Blizzard again balancing by nerfing fun instead of damage. Haven't bought Shadowlands yet, and hoping for a playable spec, otherwise I won't be. Nice one Blizz, added some kinda cool new talents, and we were looking good, but then at the last minute you make random changes that feel horrible to play, with no communication about what you are attempting to do or why. Seriously. I give up on this company.

  7. Iv finally settled on my classes. Monk shaman and warlock. But covers all my bases, healing (my main role), ranged dps (second pref role, like options) and 2 fun melee (love ww) and a fun/easy tank. Just dont know which I will main yet.

  8. I really was enjoying playing balance druid before the changes. It now seems awkward and counter intuitive. Why would you cast an aoe spell on a single target in an area full of mostly non hostile mobs? I wish someone could explain it to me.

  9. Shadow Priest is proper fun. Really took me by suprise infact because i main a WW monk and have never really been fond of caster specs. going into shadowlands spriest is my pick though!

  10. My 3 main specs since Legion have been Elemental, Shadow and Affliction and it seems I'm in the position of being spoiled for choice this expansion. Loving what they did with Shadow, haven't given Affliction as much attention as I want in the pre-patch thus far, and Elemental feels solid but Enhancement finally also feels worthwhile

  11. UNCONSTITUTIONAL CENSORSHIP is happening at an alarming rate, right now, in the USA. I have personally seen several clips on Youtube being deleted! I personally had comments on these threads that were deleted! Why am I, any countless others being censored!? the GOVERNMENT should be "THE PEOPLE", not a separate entity. please FREE INFORMATION FOR ALL. FREE DATA FOR ALL. evil wears the mask of an angle. follow the money, it controls everything, it corrupts our elections AND nominations. Your being sold EQUITY disguised as EQUALITY. EQUALITY FOR ALL. Please stop this forceful censorship of my voice or the voice of any one else!


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