What Melee DPS to Play in War Within?

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`What to main in the War Within? Today we’re talking about what melee dps to play in War Within more specifically. I got 3 choices that made me consider switching my current main and I go over all the in’s and out’s of these specs to give solid arguments on why these should be options for you to pick! Until we finish a predictions war within melee dps tier list, we shall go more in-depth in specs to help you have a better informed decision!

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32 thoughts on “What Melee DPS to Play in War Within?”

  1. Ret Pally and both DK specs are going to be strong, but everyone is going to be playing them. So finding a raid spot is going to be hard. Meanwhile WW Monk and (believe it or not) Enhance Shammy are both looking quite good. Enhance is probably the dark horse at the start of TWW, but getting Feral Lunge baseline really helps you stick on targets now.

  2. as a rogue main for many years, think its time for a change. The hero talents are so bland and so rng based(outlaw) doesn't excite me one bit.
    Switching to dk for a season to see how it feels.

  3. I really am considering WW Monk. My only issue is that EVERY EXPAC it starts super strong and then quickly taking a nose dive due to not scaling well with gear… ANY indications that it'll be different this expac?

  4. Im going in blindly with Guardian Druid. But i want a earthen…. so if they dont give earthen druid then im def gonna swap to after i get the earthen to play a enhancement shaman. I know no one likes them in endgame, but i wanna play one, so …

  5. Meta for mythic plus is and kinda always will be the same, mage, aug, and something to go with that comp, lock/shadow priest/ boomy, it will never change. The synergies are just too strong for melee to compete. Though a solid melee stack that synergies together Deffs have a place. Though ideally need to play in a group for this to work well and push decently high.

  6. I really appretiate that you do not rank the classes based on damage done, but rather share your insight. It is really refreshing and actually provides value. Thank you!

  7. As a main ret, im enforced to deny any information given in this audiovisual piece. We are no good, we are doomed, we are 100% into the lower bracket in ST, AoE, raid, mythics, PvP, gold farming, transmog farming, farms farming and fishing. I encourage any Blizzard employee, as well as any World of Warcraft, Warcraft company, Activision and asociateds, to turn a deaf ear to the information providen in this video about ret paladins, and keep the actual plan of buff us even more. Any help that our dearest TWW developers would give to our crumbling spec, will be rewarded with 7 years of good luck to them. This comment is not writted by any AI.

  8. As a main ret, im enforced to deny any information given in this audiovisual piece. We are no good, we are doomed, we are 100% into the lower bracket in ST, AoE, raid, mythics, PvP, gold farming, transmog farming, farms farming and fishing. I encourage any Blizzard employee, as well as any World of Warcraft, Warcraft company, Activision and asociateds, to turn a deaf ear to the information providen in this video about ret paladins, and keep the actual plan of buff us even more. Any help that our dearest TWW developers would give to our crumbling spec, will be rewarded with 7 years of good luck to them. This comment is not writted by any AI.

  9. I dont understand the hype about Meta class. I Play Shadow as a main since years and never had problems finding a group Even when Shadow was Not as Good as other classes. Why is it so hyped to Play a Meta ? When you suck you suck Even when you Play Meta. Learn your class and you will be fine


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