What's Next And When – Speculating Shadowlands' First Patch

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

We’re in that period where news of a WoW expansions’ first patch starts to make the rounds. Before that though let’s speculate on when the patch may drop using information and historical data, and ask ourselves what we think or want to see!

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30 thoughts on “What's Next And When – Speculating Shadowlands' First Patch”

  1. I wonder when will people notice that fortress in the maw-beastwarrens with the lvl 62 mobs with 1.2million health that you can only go on top of but not inside since you get a debuff that kills you and the gates are closed.

    I am surprised nobody has started talking about it.

  2. Yeah no, i wont want a damn "foothold" in the Maw. Thats one thing they shouldnt implement. Yeah sure lets fight great cosmic giants and demonic entities, but lets not start building our own damn castles in the actual, literal hell that awaits us in the damn after life. The maw has a purpose as a zone and as the realm of an opponent we cant just bash our way through military exploits. Even if the player power often destroys that sort of immersion which is fine, but let us not dare to go there in the actual plot, please? really bad idea.

  3. So when can we wear more than 1 legendary ? I made a wrist with my soul ash and nowhere did I see a note or warning telling us we can only wear 1, Any guess when that would if ever open up.

  4. Set Bonuses will probably return in 9.1 and will be on returning Class armor sets
    ( Yay : D ) that you can get in the new raid and conquest vendor. This patch has bin a treat so far. Alot of old friends have come back to play Shadowlands but also alot of new people i know started playing. Im glad Wow still can get some Expantions/Patches right. Lets hope that it stays this way all the way trough the expantion and also lets hope on Player Housing and Guild Halls in 10.0 😀

  5. The April timeline sounds good to me! I hope they give the classes that need a bit of love what they need – I never like to see folks sad because their favourite class or spec is just not cutting it. I've loved Shadowlands to date so my hope is just MORE of the same. I'd love more covenant story, another fun raid that provides a challenge, the ability to wear more than one legendary and I can't wait for class sets to return (great idea with the Legendary counting towards set bonuses too!).

  6. Why is no youtuber talking about how boring torghast is, alot of players ingame dislike torghast cause it is boring. On forums people are talking about how boring torghast is. Every one i know in Wow dislikes torghast. I think most people don't like it and i haven't seen any youtuber talk about how boring torghast is. To be honest if blizzard puts in torghast 2.0 thenext expansion alot of players will leave Wow


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