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Mythic plus in Shadowlands is great. It’s even better when you have your pet on passive for the first part of the dungeon.
(I do not own Artwork that is not provided through WMV or WoW the video game. All artworks belong to their rightful owners, but due to numerous duplicates of similar artworks found online, I am unable to credit artists officially. )
first haha 🙂
In the future, I can def see me or glob failing keystone master because my pet was on passive or he dc's for 10 minutes
Im still waiting for that kiss of war sponsorship so I can get extra stuff using the code BIGDADDY…
kiss of war gameplay video when
That fall death could not have been timed better
Glob is my spirit animal
Was waiting on this video. Did not disappoint
Justin is such a great teammate to play with. He knows that his friends struggle with Mistcallers dodgeball mechanic and is using the pridfull affix stun as a tool not to grief, but to help his group learn to dodge instead. Nothing but respect for helpful players!
google search engine just got an influx on kings throne lol
that karma scene of falling to your death after constantly shitting on glob made me laugh hahah
but its glob so… 😛
Instead of calling the Prideful thing it’s name or saying “what the hell?!” I’d say ‘What is Vectus doing here?!’
I don't know if I want to like cuz its kinda funny that he bullies glob
I really wanna see you guys in SD
Keys. The best way to hate on your friends. I get called "huntard" every 5 minutes and I love it
I don't get it, the Mythics 10_ 15+, 4+? I mean what's the upshot of doing these? 222 gear instead of 220 gear? I say gear in not needed, just grief the living hell out of the other faction so they rage quit and never get good gear.
Hey this was really entertaining!
Like this comment to boost my dps
Glob is chaotic lawful
Heart this comment so I can do +10 SD, otherwise….wHaT iS yoUr OpInIon oN wArRIors tHis XpAc?
yo you really make me wanna make my own wow videos, I love this type of content!!
Had to unlike the video, can't have him being nice to Glob now can I?
Btw I was tanking a +5 mists the other day on my pally with tim. Everyone in the group died but me and tim on his resto sham, and the fight took like 11 minutes. So yeah, in comparison, this went well!
So why is there a kings throne ad under this video?
Well, I happen to believe that fall was very graceful.
Was feeling pretty sad, this video is what I needed. A good laugh.
I cant believe you didnt ask what the prideful spawn is right before last boss
Wtf was that picture in discord ?
Your videos always go out right before I wake up in the morning so it's nice to start the day with.
I wish my friends weren't classic andys and that they played m+ with me. ;(
Is that a fellow Demo Warlock? Respect.
Bro what is your damage number addon? I miss seeing the WEFINBWEFINW of numbers
I love the companionship that you have with your friends it really makes me wish I had friends to play with lol