When You Do a +12 But It Actually Goes Well – World of Warcraft Shadowlands

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Mythic plus in Shadowlands is great. It’s even better when you have your pet on passive for the first part of the dungeon.

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(I do not own Artwork that is not provided through WMV or WoW the video game. All artworks belong to their rightful owners, but due to numerous duplicates of similar artworks found online, I am unable to credit artists officially. )


34 thoughts on “When You Do a +12 But It Actually Goes Well – World of Warcraft Shadowlands”

  1. Justin is such a great teammate to play with. He knows that his friends struggle with Mistcallers dodgeball mechanic and is using the pridfull affix stun as a tool not to grief, but to help his group learn to dodge instead. Nothing but respect for helpful players!

  2. I don't get it, the Mythics 10_ 15+, 4+? I mean what's the upshot of doing these? 222 gear instead of 220 gear? I say gear in not needed, just grief the living hell out of the other faction so they rage quit and never get good gear.

  3. Btw I was tanking a +5 mists the other day on my pally with tim. Everyone in the group died but me and tim on his resto sham, and the fight took like 11 minutes. So yeah, in comparison, this went well!


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