Where Dreadlords Dare – Mal'Ganis Cutscene – Shadowlands Cutscenes 9.1

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Where Dreadlords Dare
Mal’Ganis Cutscene
Shadowlands Cutscenes 9.1


31 thoughts on “Where Dreadlords Dare – Mal'Ganis Cutscene – Shadowlands Cutscenes 9.1”

  1. One of those 2 male dreadlords has to be Detheroc. It was said in the decrypted dreadlord messages in Sinfall that he's responsible for recovering Remornia.

    And Remornia seemed to be grabbed by Kin'tessa, the same one that grabbed Fatescriber Roh-Kalo in Korthia, in the cutscene.

  2. "We were only pretending to lose every single time we showed up in the story, PROMISE!"

    And so the decade-later retcon to fit into their awful current story continues.

  3. Why's there always more schemes? Why can't my character know peace for awhile. Why can't we have one xpac where we play Farmville for awhile and pretend everything is ok like thrall did?


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