ah the good old days before it became hacktivisiom/blizztard. so simple to just hire someone and film a funny commercial and yet you never see them do this anymore
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I like the game now, i loved it then
Never in my Life saw it
ah the good old days before it became hacktivisiom/blizztard. so simple to just hire someone and film a funny commercial and yet you never see them do this anymore
Say what lol. Orc chasm. Lol this is goat material
I remember these, They used to have the best commercials, anyone else remember the Mohawk grenades from the Mr. T Promo?
How did Blizzard go from having celebrities do advertising to having a team of 5-6 people to run Classic……..
Orc chasm was one of my guild names in classic
For the Alliance!
Back in the days a lot of bad things happened…. the scourge came over the eastern Kingdom, the Fel came over draenor and so the Orcs invaded Kalimdor…
But the worst happened when Wokeness came over Blizzard.
she has daria vibe XD
I find that hard to believe.
Ahhh the good ol days…..
Love her
Yeah, Orc!
I remember this lol
Orc chasm 😮🎉
Nah but I do remember the one's with Shatner, Ozzy and that little dude Vern.
Who is she?
I loved seeing these on TV
if this was today..it would be a piece of fruit talking. lemme know if u get the joke.
If you’re here to try it for free at this stage in the game, I’m here here to let you know just don’t